Chapter 105: The Man Who Will Lead the World's End... Uchiha Naruto!

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She outstretched her hand, attempting to do a handshake with the person in front of her. The boy looked at the hand, questioning himself.

He looked up, seeing the face of the person that was trying to do a handshake with him.

She was beautiful.

But that was not the reason why he was hesitating to shake the girl's hand - it was something much more than just a pretty face.

That face of her's-

It reminded him of everything that he had lost - everything that he had sacrificed for his selfishness. It reminded him of his failures.

And most of all: his regrets.

But he shook her hand anyway, giving her a soft smile to mask the aching heart that he was experiencing at this very moment.


He took one step, the ground below him shattering under his mighty presence that seemed to have enough pressure to crush a person into two.

Naruto walked slowly, his power intensifying every step that he took towards them. After some time, Naruto took a stance that signaled them that he was ready.

To completely annihilate them.

Naruto narrowed his eyes, disappearing and reappearing right in front of them as blurs whirled all around them, afterimages created with just his pure speed alone.

So... fast?! They all thought.

Even when he was in such a weak state - he was able to do this much without even needing to break a single sweat. He appeared from behind.

They barely managed to react, shifting their bodies so they could attempt to dodge Naruto's strike. He breathed deeply, using Zettaireido to stop them in their tracks.

Naruto pulled his arm back, reeling it before unleashing a devastating blow to Rock Lee's core. Without missing a beat, Naruto struck Rock Lee's elbow, pain overwhelming him as he was blasted away.

Naruto used Juden, activating it as a shroud of electricity surrounded his eyes that sparked with true strength oozing from his body. Jumping forward, Naruto calmly analyzed their positions.

Naruto saw many portals surround him.

But he did not heed such thing.

"Careful! He's exerting much more power now!" Kakashi announced, trying to gain distance by distracting Naruto with an array of portals that shot out strings.

Strings?! Where the hell- Kakashi had no time to think no longer and just went with the endless flow that illuminated the waters below.

"Too slow."

Naruto calmly outstretched his hand out, his hand stretching and his fingertips scrunching to stop the strings from advancing with the use of Zettaireido.

He disappeared.

They widened their eyes.

They couldn't see him.

Before, there was a blur that signified that he was much faster than them, but now, things were much different than before.

They weren't able to see even see him move.

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