Chapter 31: Konoha

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Naruto followed Kakashi to the forest that was just right outside of the house. He stayed silent the whole way through the walk to the forest.

Kakashi turned towards Naruto, looking for an explanation or an answer.

"Talk. It looks like you need it." Naruto raised an eyebrow at Kakashi, wondering what he meant by that. He stood still, staring holes into Kakasi.

"What is there to talk about?"

"Everything. Satsuki said she almost died protecting you. Then there was this massive amount of power that leaked out towards your direction. It was you, wasn't it?" Naruto stayed silent, just nodding his head at Kakashi.

He sighed, knowing this was going to be a tough one.

"You're going to have to be honest with me on this one. So I need you to talk to me, Naruto. What did you feel in that exact moment?" Naruto looked at the ground, looking for the answer that he was needing for.

"All I felt was hatred."

"And why were you feeling hatred?"

"Because Haku almost killed Satsuki. For a moment there, I zoned out because I was just thinking. I became a liability to my comrade in battle." Kakashi sighed, guessing this was taking a huge toll on Naruto.

"You shouldn't say that to yourself. You are a great and talented ninja." Naruto wanted to laugh. Talented? His talent at thinking almost got Satsuki killed.

"But it was true. The moment I let myself be so. . . open was the moment that I had failed. Then I got so mad at myself and Haku. And I was so relieved to know that Satsuki was safe because she sacrificed herself." Naruto was focused on looking to the ground.

"So you care for her a lot." Naruto nodded, giving him a look of confusion. It was obvious and didn't need to be identified at all.

"I do. She's an asshole at times, but is actually a pretty good person." Kakashi gave Naruto an amused eye-smile. He grew confused at this action that Kakashi had just done.

"You two have a very good and stable bond." Naruto just stood there, silently processing what Kakashi was trying to say. He just shrugged his shoulders.

"I guess."

"But, enough with the sad talk. We have to do something sadder." Naruto raised an eyebrow, wondering what could possibly be sadder than what they were doing right now.

"We have to bury Zabuza and his apprentice, Haku."


They all stood at the now finished bridge that was just completed a day or two ago. Naruto looked at the crying Inari that was standing right in front of him.

All the other villagers of the Land of Waves were standing right behind him and his family. They all waved at him.

"Thanks for everything!" Yelled Inari, tears falling down his as he saw the 4 slowly make their leave. Naruto was not shook even slightly by this.

He sighed.

"We'll visit some other time. It's fine. There is no need to be so sad about it." Inari tried to stop his sobs but failed to do so after he started crying even harder.

Naruto sighed once more.

"You promise?" Asked Inari. Naruto stood there silent for a moment, just thinking about whether he could uphold this promise to Inari or not.

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