Chapter 33: Chunin Exams

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"Oh? So you're knowledgable in some aspects." Sakura and Satsuki pulled out a kunai of their own and held it tightly. Naruto stared at the man in front of him.

"Move," said Naruto, ordering the Ame-nin to move aside so they could all avoid fighting in broad daylight. But the man just laughed in his face.

"Me? Move? There is no way." He slowly approached them in a silent manner.

"I see. So you have approached us to pick aight." The Ame-nin stood there, silently listening to everything that Naruto was currently saying to him.

"Hm. If you want to imagine that, then yes. But for me, this is only a way for me to see your limits." Naruto, Satsuki, and Sakura slightly narrowed their eyes at him.

"Limits." Naruto looked at the other and nodded at them. They had no idea how strong this person could actually be. Cautions were needed at a time like this.

"You two read?"



Naruto nodded, getting his answer from both Satsuki and Sakura. He thought of a simple plan that they could use in a time like this one that they were currently in.

"Use the same strategy as the one when we fought Kakashi-sensei on the bell-test. Coordinated attacks. Sakura, to the left. Satsuki, to the right. I'll take the middle area." They nodded, trusting Naruto's plan.

"There is no guarantee that this will surely and 100 percent work in the end of it." The trio slowly started to approach the Ame-nin that seemingly had bad intentions.

The Ame-nin looked at them, following each of their exact movements to the tee. Though he did notice something odd about the 3 of them.

They're waiting for me to make a move. Thought the Ame-nin, slowly analyzing the 3 genin in front of him. They could without a doubt be considered the strongest genin team in Konoha.

The Ame-nin had enough of waiting fore them to make a move.

"If you're not going to instigate the battle, then I will!" He shouted, quickly picking up his pace to a very quick speed. But this was not enough for them to be thrown off.

"We've experienced things much more dangerous than this," said Satsuki, slowly picking up her own pace alongside Naruto and Sakura.

"Oh? Now I'm curious on what they could be." The man jumped up in the air and pulling out a pair of kunai that he soon threw right towards them all.

The 3 saw this and easily dodged it.

"Put the plan in action," ordered Naruto, getting a pair of nods from Satsuki and Sakura. They all split apart and went to their own respective sides.

They then threw the kunai that they were holding very tightly within their own grasp.

They then watched as the Ame-nin pulling something out from his back. The 3 narrowed their eyes at the weapon that the Ame-nin was currently going to use.

Is that an. . . umbrella? Thought Satsuki, seeing as the Ame-nin used the umbrella-like weapon to deflect all of their kunais that they had just thrown at them,

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