Chapter 52: The Plan and Execute

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"What a troublesome blond," said Shikamaru, eyeing at the newly-promoted Tokubetsu Jonin. The new went around quick.

Who started? That remains unknown.

But it was clear to Naruto that the majority reason why he got promoted to a Tokubetsu Jonin was because of Danzo vouching for him.

And now Naruto was sitting in the middle of a group of people. He got invited to celebrate for everyone's promotion.

Naruto sat with Satsuki, both preferring to be left alone and were not the biggest fans of crowds of people.

"How was it like?" Asked Satsuki, getting a raised eyebrow from Naruto as he ate the meat that they were cooking.

"Be more specific."

"What I meant was -- how did it feel when you fought my brother and his partner?" Naruto saw the saddened look on Satsuki's face.

Naruto stayed silent for a moment, thinking of a way to describe the fight.

"It was like looking in a mirror." Now it was Satsuki's turn to raise their eyebrows. She was confused what he meant by that.

"When I fought Itachi, it was like fighting myself but with power greater than my own. I then felt fear when I fought them both. They both outclassed me." Naruto unconsciously clenched the chopsticks.

Maybe it was the thought of inferior that made him do this. Or maybe was it because he was just simply mad that he was still too weak to carry out his plans.

Naruto took a glance at Satsuki. It seemed like she wanted to say something.

"I hate it," she said bluntly. Naruto knew what she meant. "I hate the fact that I'm still too weak to kill him. The amount of time I've poured into training equaled to nothing in front of his unstoppable power." He understood what she was saying.

After all, he was also feeling this way for years.

"I get what you mean." Naruto took another bite of the barbecue that they were cooking themselves.

"You know, you and I are more alike than I've realized," Naruto told her, making the sides of her mouth go upwards to form a smile.

For a moment, it was only the two of them, alone as they ate pieces of barbecue. Naruto knew Satsuki was envious of his skill.

Some would say it's a bad thing, but Naruto would consider it a good thing. As long as she has motivation to improve on her abilities, she will have constant growth in no time.

"Satsuki," called out Naruto. She turned her head at Naruto, wondering what he was going to say to her.

"Did Orochimaru come in contact with you while I was in the hospital?" Satsuki froze at that question being brought up to her.

"Why are you asking?"

"It's because of the way you're talking. You usually don't say things like this because you like keeping it under control and tamed within you. So, tell me, did he come in contact with you?" He asked again.

Naruto became amused at Satsuki as she glared at him, sharpening her gaze at Naruto while tensing up right next to him.

"What is it to you?" Naruto ate another piece of barbecue.

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