Chapter 27: Questions and Answers

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That mask. Kakashi thought, eyeing the mask that the person right in front of him had. He narrowed his eyes at the person, analyzing what they were doing.

"You're a Hunter-nin."

The said Hunter-nin looked right towards Kakashi and nodded their heads right towards him. It seems like Kakashi was correct at the statement that he just made.

"You are correct. I am a Hunter-nin that has been trying to find and take down Momochi Zabuza for quite some time now." Kakashi slowly and just slightly nodded at those words.

"Thank you for assisting my mission unintentionally. I'll be taking Zabuza away to dispose of him." Kakashi nodded, seeing the Hunter-nin slowly pick up Zabuza and disappearing with him.

This person should be around their age just by hearing and seeing their voice and height. Kakashi thought, looking back at Naruto and the others as they went closer towards him.

"It seems we are done with fighting. Good job everyone." They all nodded. It was now time for them all to continue on with the mission that was still on-going.

Just a few seconds after they started walking, Kakashi crashed right on the damp ground.



Kakashi slowly opened his eyes and seeing a. . . ceiling? He groaned as he tried getting up and moving around — that didn't work at all for him.

Suddenly, a person came walking in and looked at Kakashi. He raised an eyebrow, wondering where he was at.

"Hello, I'm Tsunami. I am Tazuna's daughter."

He nodded, now soon realizing where he was now at. He was now at Tazuna's home place. It was quite the large house that he was living in. It was kind of surprising for someone who likes getting drunk.

He had at least expected something much more. . . shit. No offense to Tazuna, but he seems like the type of person to just waste money on booze and drinks.

He probably is.

"Oh, sensei." Sakura came walking in alongside Tazuna. Kakashi raised an eyebrow, seeing that she was the only person aside from Tauna who had came walking in the room.

"Gee, the other must hate me," said Kakashi, sighing now that Hiruzen's theory on Naruto being an Uchiha was all correct and that he was truly an Uchiha.

Though it seems he was forced to do it because of the situation. But I saw it in his eyes, the fear the overshadowed his own intelligence and skills. How did he overcome it? Does this mean he is hiding something else? Probably. But it's not good to pry in and interrogate him like Ibiki. Kakashi thought, wondering about the enigma named: Naruto.

"Ah, well, Satsuki-san wanted to talk to Naruto about something important. They are just right outside in the woods. Don't worry, they said they won't be gone for too long." Kakashi nodded, knowing what Satsuki wanted to talk to Naruto about.

"I see, Sakura. Then I guess we should leave them be for now. We wouldn't want to enrage a fox and its vixen." Sakura got a confused look right on her way.

"What does that mean?"

"Ah, you'll find out once you're older. It doesn't really have much of a definition, but it will make sense."

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