Chapter 96: 8 Months of Changes

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A man looked into outer space, the body of his foe bleeding right behind him. His hand reached out, clenching his hands as if catching one of the stars many light years away.

"It's so sad - this is our fate in the end."  The man right behind him coughed up blood, a giant hole in the center of his chest. His face was pale, his life quickly leaving his human body.

"I guess the world is truly unfair. We have no real freedom in such a lifeless world." He moved towards the dying corpse, sitting down right next to him on the pool of blood. Around them were other dead bodies.

"Truly a cruel world we live in."


Naga stood underneath the fine moon, the moonlight shining down upon him, a grin appearing underneath his mask.

All around him were wood and entangling roots from a dragon that were but made of wood. His mind raced at his exponential growth in power.

But, underneath this peerless grin, was the thought of still not being able to catch up with Naruto's level of growth.

He and everyone else could tell that Naruto has grown stronger. Over the last 8 months were times of dread due to the decrease in activities that Naruto committed during these months.

That only meant one thing.


He has only gotten much stronger, and that struck fear in everyone. It was frightening and brought great amount of torment inside of everyone's bones.

"You seem to be doing well," Obito said, appearing in front of him from the endless abyss that were the trees and roots from Naga's jutsu's. Sweat trickled down Naga's neck, his eyes piercing down Obito's every movement.

"Tch. Do I sense sarcasm?" Naga sneered.

"No, I'm being serious. Strength is all that matters when it comes to defeating a greater foe." Naga felt discomfort with his words, lightly shivering.

"I don't need your praises. Go fuck off and do other shit." His way of speaking was aggressive, anger oozing from his being. He felt nothing but unrivaled anger.

He saw the damage on Obito's arms, noting that the only thing that he has been doing was using his new ability:


That's what Obito had called it. And for the past 8 months, he has been only using the ability, honing it to the best of his ability. And as a result, all other types of training was neglected so he could perfect Hebunrikoru.

Naga onced wondered why this was the case, but had come to the realization.

Obito was massively confident in his ability to wield the Hebunrikoru. And it absolutely infuriated Naga to unfathomable degrees.

The complacency that Obito now held due to holding endless amounts of power was unwavering, combusting like fire.

That bothered Naga, disgusted being under someone who did not further themselves to their absolute limits.

Obito had once told him that the limit in power that each being from his Hebunrikoru was 15 percent. Naga voiced his complaints, but Obito silenced him.

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