Chapter 67: Icarus and the Sun

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"Sarutobi Asuma is dead," Tsunade announced, shocking everyone - especially all of Team 10. Their eyes were wide, looking for answers.

"Who. . . killed him?" Asked Ino, tears welling from within. Things were spiraling out of control once again.

"The killer was Naruto." They weren't shocked - it was almost like they expected the killer to be him. It was obvious, wasn't it?

Who else would've done it? He was forced into a corner and he then took the life of one of their own. Naruto was a man with many shades that they never had ever uncovered.

But throughout the day, he revealed the real him to them. To the people that fought him, it was like he was another person that took over his own body.

This wasn't ending any time soon.


Naruto's eyes slowly opened, soon seeing a bright and warm campfire right beside him. He looked at himself, seeing the many bandages that wrapped around his body.

"You're finally up." Naruto heard a voice to the side. As his face was lightened by the flickering flames, Naruto saw the person that healed him.

"Sasori," Naruto said, struggling to get up from where he was laying down at.

"I found you laying down the ground, unconscious. I've been hiding in the Fire Country for quite some time." Naruto came to the conclusion that Sasori was close enough to see the extravagant for his extermination.

"Yeah, I had to fasten my plans due to unexpected events due to me not being careful." Naruto knew something had happened to him. The moment he met his younger self in his mindscape.

He had changed once more. Was it quite drastic? Yes - in terms of his conviction of the future, of course. The effects of Kengan had worn off.

"How long have I've been out?" Naruto asked Sasori, sitting up as he looked at the flames that was in front of him.

"About 7 or more hours." Naruto nodded, seeing as he was unconscious for under a day. It was just at the peak of dawn, the sun slowly rising.

"What's your plan now?" Sasori asked, sitting down on a hollow log.

"It depends, I'm on the run now from Konoha-nins. For now, I might travel and find the other remaining Akatsuki members. That's my only choice for now." The burning ashes looming over them, Naruto was ready to move forward.

"Which one's are you going after?" He asked him.

"It doesn't matter who I face first - I'll annihilate them ALL."


Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji sat down a bench, their heads down. The trees flowing, they were at frozen at the revelation of Asuma's death.

When they saw him at the morgue, they couldn't help but crash down, feeling the coldness of his body course through their fingers.

Hearing footsteps, they slowly looked up, seeing Kurenai and Kakashi walk towards them. Both had puffy, red eyes, indicating that tears had fell.

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