Chapter 40: Gates

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Satsuki felt someone or something poking her. With much irritation, she slapped the person away.

"Ow," said Naruto in a very monotonous tone. Satsuki immediately reacted to this sudden noise and jumped up. She was startled from Naruto's apathetic nature.

"What the hell was that?" Asked Satsuki, demanding an answer from Naruto. Though he just raised an eyebrow at Satsuki with pure confusion tied around it.

"What? I think we are intimate enough to where I can poke your cheek to wake you up. Right?" He got a glare in return from Satsuki herself.


She disagrees?

Naruto had no idea what Satsuki was talking about. Due to his upbringing and lack of interaction throughout his days before becoming a ninja for Konoha, he didn't have the necessary social behavior that expected of him.

A lot of it was quite transparent if you just look a tiny bit closer. Naruto's tendency to be straightforward can make him get into awkward situations.

Or even hurt people.

"Don't ever do that again." Naruto just stares at her rather questionably. This creates a rather weird feeling in the atmosphere that the two were currently in.

"Can. . . you stop that? It annoys me." Naruto shrugged at her demanding nature and stood right up. He turned around and slowly began to walk away from her.

"Hey! Where are you going? There's no way you're to leave me here, right?!" Satsuki yelled at him as he continued to walk away from her. Naruto shrugged at her.

"I do not know. Though I have been waiting for quite a bit. While I could watch your cute fumbling, I'd rather just leave and watch the future battles." Satsuki immediately got up to put her shirt back on.

"What do you mean by 'cute fumbling'? You have a death wish?" Naruto looked back, shrugging his shoulders once more. If he had to be totally honest, he just had the urge to say something like that.

Satsuki caught up with Naruto and walked right beside him. Naruto felt a sudden sharp pain arise from his body.

"Ow. . ." There was once again a monotonous tone that echoed all throughout the secluded place that the two were currently residing in.

"Stop that."


Naruto and Satsuki made it back to the exam area and saw both Sakura and Ino tie in their battle. The two just observed from the spectating area.

"That's to be expected," said Satsuki, downplaying Sakura's skills as a future kunoichi for Konoha. Naruto just raised an eyebrow and shrugged in response.

"Hm, I guess. Though while she has the intellect to form strategies, she doesn't have the necessary power to carry them out. The rest of the genin here are quite skilled as well." Satsuki looked at the rest of the contestants.

Kakashi eye-smiled at Naruto.

"Well, well. How broad of a mindset you have," praised Kakashi.

"That sounds like sarcasm," Satsuki said, giving Kakashi a weirded out look. Naruto had to agree; Kakashi definitely sounded very sarcastic with that remark.

Over the course of the rounds Naruto observed a lot of people battle it out. Even though a lot of them battled, none of them piqued his interest at all.

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