Chapter 58: Infinite

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Naruto in front of the real body of Sasori. He had previously destroyed his puppet body that his real body was residing.

"It seems you now know." Naruto took notice the change of voice that Sasori had. It was smooth and was definitely not grim like the voice he had while inside the puppet.

"You managed to get through Hiruko, but will you be able to get through this?" Asked Sasori, taking out a scroll that he had hidden.

Throwing it on the ground, a puff of smoke appeared and clouded the air. Naruto narrowed his eyes slightly as the smoke cleared and revealed a puppet.

"This is the Third Kazekage -- my favorite puppet!" Sasori had a dangerous glint in his eyes. Naruto readied himself, seeing Sasori send the Third Kazekage towards him.

"Interesting," Naruto whispered to himself. As the Third Kazekage puppet closed in on him, his right arm started to change, revealing numerous blades that were hidden beneath his arm.

There's poison laced on them. He thought, catching sight of the purple liquid on the blades. Moving his upper-torso back, he swung his blade with his right arm, causing Sasori to make the Third Kazekage puppet falter back.

Avoiding a potentially fatal injury, Naruto diligently looked at Sasori, keenly holding his blade with such intensity. He stood still in a silent manner. Calmly, Naruto leaped towards Sasori, letting his gleaming blade trail behind him.

Responding to this action, Sasori maneuvered his arms, letting numerous small components in the Third Kazekage's left arm, revealing multiple seals inside the compartments.

"Thousand Hands Manipulation Force!" A bouquet of puppet arms sprouted from the seals, being aimed at Naruto's whole body. Without a single hint of fear, Naruto went to the sides of these flexible arms and scaled through them all.

Landing softly on the dirt ground, Naruto jumped back, letting himself to weave a set of hand seals with just one hand in a blink of an eye.

"Wind Release: Rupturing Vacuum!" Naruto brought his arm out, letting his hand and fingertips to convulse and shudder, letting a concentrated amount of untamed wind chakra be shot out from the palm of his hand.

A multitude of the puppet arms were crushed and shattered in endless and limitless amounts of pieces.

His mask unclipping, Naruto decided to seal it within his improved work of art of a seal that he managed to create through much effort and training.

Due to the amount of chakra that he poured into the Jutsu, Naruto was pushed away because of the power. Channeling chakra to the bores of his feet, Naruto attached himself to the side of a tree so that he wouldn't get hurt.

Looking back, seeing just a few dozen of the arms left, Naruto sighed -- he should've added more power to the Jutsu. Motioning himself to the ground, Naruto saw the arms get manipulated after him.

Ushering himself towards them once more, Naruto injected lightning chakra to his shining and gleaming blade, giving it tendrils of sparking lightning that was tamed.

Naruto gripped his blade tightly, taking just a swing or two to effortlessly sever the puppet arms. He had increased the output of his lightning chakra by a considerable percent to create much more damage.

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