Chapter 81: Ramifications of the Declaration

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They lied there, shattered and broken as the fire that burned around the old remnants of the trees began to deepen. It was humiliating for them.

The 5 strongest of their respective village had fallen to the hands of Naruto so easily. And the worst was that they knew Naruto wasn't going all out. If he took them seriously from the beginning, they wouldn't have been able to tell the tale of their survival.

They gritted their teeth as the sun rose from the ashes of the night. This battle... it broke them both physically and mentally. Their strength wasn't enough to overcome the unstoppable and immovable force that threatened to destroy the world.

How pathetic. They all thought. Not only were they disappointed in their loss, but they worried about what the people of their village would think. If they saw that they lost to Naruto, then what would happen?

Would they cower in fear for the future? That would make things a lot more difficult than things are already. Managing to bring themselves to their feet, they limped down to the middle of the large crater that was made by the meteor that Naruto pulled down.

They met at the middle of the crater, their bodies battered, bruised, and destroyed.

"What... will happen... now?" Mei asked, gasping for air every few moments due to smoke being inhaled every time he breathed. They were at a stump, stuck with their decisions being scattered.

"I think... we need... to cover this incident up... we can't let people lose hope... we only need to announce... Naruto's declaration of war." It took a few moments, but nods began to appear.

"I agree... the last thing... we want is for our... people to lose hope," said Ay, breathing heavily as his wounds began to worsen. It hurt every time he tried to breathe. It was like the world was against them.

It hurt them both internally and externally. Their bodies screamed at them as they felt pain yell at them repeatedly. They had a year to prepare.

"In these next... 12 months... we all need to get... stronger," announced Onoki, his arms behind his back as he coughed up blood. The other Kages looked at him.

They all nodded.

Naruto was extremely, and unfathomably strong. If they wanted to stop Naruto and his terror, they needed to step up their game and become so strong that Naruto couldn't ignore them so easily.

And when the time comes, they'll be ready to fight him once again.

Whether it's a dance to the death, they had resolve to win the next time that they all fought together as a singular unit.


Naruto walked through the desolated lands that was once the Land of Iron. The meteor that had put everything down to ruin. Everything was destroyed and dismantled to the point where everything was unrecognizable.

It was clear to him that the Land of Iron was no more. The miles of land had been destroyed from the face of the world. No snow fell from the sky.

The snow that was supposed to be falling was completely stopped - halted due to the power of Naruto. He stopped, seeing something in the distance.

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