Chapter 47: Fail. Fail. Fail.

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Naruto soared through the air as he dodged another attack from Gaara. A grunt escaped his lips as he ran up the trunk of the tree, and launched himself away to another tree.

"HAHAHAH! Are you scared now?!" Yelled Gaara, his face wearing a large, but devilish grin. Though Naruto did waver with his poker face as he kept on dodging.

"Fear is simply a state of mind. When feeling fear, all you have to do is overcome it," Naruto said, swiftly landing on another branch before launching himself towards Gaara with no fear imprinted in his mind.

"DIE!" Gaara then shot his hand right towards Naruto at quick speed. Without much thought, Naruto replaced himself with a log and disappeared from his sight.

Bits of shards of the log then attached themselves on to Gaara. Naruto then appeared right behind Gaara in an instant. Ducking down, Naruto unleashed his Susano'o with a large ribcage with a large arm attached it.

With very little hesitation, Naruto then guided his Susano'o to grab Gaara. Tightening the hold that Naruto had on Gaara, a deafening scream of pain unleashed from within.

"AGHHHHH!" Screamed Gaara, feeling the pain. Naruto threw Gaara into a tree that made him feel even more pain coursing through his fragile body.

"Losing is unacceptable — winning is the only true necessity," stated Naruto, pushing a bit of his bangs to give him a more clear sight/vision of Gaara.

"Your. . . existence. . . I hate it!" Yelled Gaara, jumped towards Naruto with intent to kill him. Stretching his sand-arm out towards Naruto, his face ever-so crazy for the potential blood that could spill.

Naruto did not block the hit, but he did use his Susano'o to cancel his attack out.

"DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!" Gaara kept on yelling the same word over and over again. He hated Naruto and his complexion. The way Naruto thought of him nothing but a petty existence angered him.

And thus by killing Naruto, the person who thought of him nothing but a bug will truly make him feel alive. Naruto stayed silent through this whole ordeal and kept moving forward.

Naruto moved to the side slightly to the side to dodge the potential blow that came his way from Gaara himself.

Everyone around them knew it -- this battle between the two strong and elite-tier Shinobi was purely just a one-sided battle.

One that was on Naruto's side.

And his alone.

"Sorry, Gaara," said Naruto. "But I outclass you in every way possible." He then powered up and ordered his Susano'o to counter.

Gaara widened his eyes in pain -- blood appeared and sputtered out of his mouth. His body pnce again met the bark of the trunk of the tree.

Once a person falls, they finally know how truly imperfect they are. Naruto thought to himself, bringing his guard up as he had his piercing gaze on Gaara.

But that's good.

Why is that?

'Cause only imperfect people can form a truly perfect world.

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