Chapter 99: A Step Closer

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"Whatever you desire... such things are possible." He stood on a railing, the night sky shining down upon his back.


Naruto widened his eyes, seeing his younger self appear before him once again. It had been so long since he last met him.

He thought he disappeared.

He thought he finally fixed the problem that he harbored - what was it now?

"I thought you were gone - disappeared in smithereens," commented Naruto, getting a nod from his younger self.

"Same here as well, but I guess some things didn't work out. I was gone, but not for long. I had soon manifested back in a form just a bit older than last time." Naruto narrowed his eyes.

"How could you still be here? My problems... they should all be fixed." His younger shook his head, a small smirk covering his young face.

"That's the thing: your problems aren't fixed yet." Naruto narrowed his eyes at such a claim being directed towards him.

"What do you mean by that? That shouldn't be possible. I've evolved into someone who is impervious to such imperfections." His younger self chuckled.

He was being foolish.

"You've turned a blind eye to your fatal flaw as a human being," he said, taking another step before using his index-finger to point at his forehead.

"As always, you've lost track on what's important. Who exactly is this person named Naruto? What is he? What is his motive? You speak of weakness, but there is one thing for certain." They stood face to face, their bodies wrapped in an unspoken solitude.

"You harbour a fatal flaw that is weakness."

"And that makes you... Evil."


They could see the people celebrate with joyous expressions on their faces. It had just been announced that they had managed to seal away Naruto.

Tsunade didn't order it, but the village had brought it down upon themselves to throw a celebration for the day that the demon was subdued.

The Konoha 10 didn't voice their opinions.

But such a sight sickened them to the core.

"This isn't a time for partying," said Sakura, voicing her thoughts towards the rest of the Shinobi. The others shrugged their shoulders.

"It can't be helped. It is only natural for them to want to celebrate; no matter how dangerous it is." The rest nodded with Shino's words. They had sealed Naruto away.

But they weren't so ignorant to ignore the blatant fact that the sealing wasn't nearly as effective as the village had thought.

Jiraiya had told them long ago that while the method of sealing Naruto away was indeed very effective - it wasn't enough to ensure his demise.

The sealing was merely a way to buy them some time to find a way so Naruto wouldn't be able to create the havoc that he so sought.

They were on borrowed time, simply delaying what was seen as an inevitable event that will plunge the world in another darkness that clouds the Earth for many centuries.

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