Chapter 37: Curse Mark

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"All I ever do is. . . win," said Naruto, appearing right behind them all.

They all widened their eyes, suddenly feeling the fear that had just been induced to a ridiculous degree. Naruto's words rang right inside of their heads.


All he ever does is win.

Naruto has proved time after time that he is exceptional — no — he has proved that he was undisputed in everything that he does.

His accelerated learning that many envy and wish to have was something truly terrifying about Naruto. He has experienced exceptional growth at such an early age.

Some may say that he is gifted only due to his genetics.


Maybe not. They most certainly don't know him. All they can ever do is simply assume of his nature. Naruto jumped up, maneuvering his leg right towards Dosu's face.

He widened his eyes, jumping away to avoid such a devastating blow to his face.

Dosu gritted his teeth at his own fearful actions.

"Resonating Echo Drill" Naruto stop abruptly in his tracks, feeling the piercing sound-waves overwhelming his ears. His apathetic face turned into slight disdain.

Dosu was generating sound with his Resonating Echo Speaker.

"How does it feel now? You're too arrogant! This is payback!" Yelled Dosu, feeling the confidence once again brim to the surface of his own conscience.

Naruto clicked his own tongue.

"Arrogance? I like calling. . . it. . . confidence." Naruto shot right towards Dosu, persevering his way through the piercing sound-waves of his jutsu.

Just before Naruto could make contact, a shockwave could be heard from beside them.

"Decapitating Airwave" Dosu widened his open eye to a considerable degree. What was wrong with this lunatic?! He glared at Zaku for a quick moment or two.

"What the hell was that?! You could have injured me!" Dosu yelled, glancing at the cracked and disarrayed grown right in front of them. Zaku just scowled with displeasure.

"It's fine! It's a small price to pay if you got hurt! As long as we take this blond and black down, then it's fine if you get hurt!" Dosu continued to glare at Zaku with such hatred.

"Then, how about this?! You be the pawn! Then I'll take you out right along with him!" Yelled Dosu, obviously brimming with hatred for Zaku's own decisions.

Before he could retort back, Naruto made his presence known once again.

"Your teamwork is full of holes and is highly inadequate," said Naruto, voicing himself once again before appearing right in front of Dosu and punching him in the face.

He staggered back, losing his precious balance and falling down on the ground. Zaku and Kin moved back.

Naruto moved right towards Dosu, readying himself to give the boy the rightful finishing blow that he needed. But it seems the road of life has other plans than that.

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