Chapter 79: Unveiling the Curtains

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Naruto stared at them, the temperature rising a few degrees. The tension that darkened the air around them was excruciating. Naga gained a slight grin under his mask.

He moved - now released from the cage and the Shadow Paralysis Jutsu - towards Naruto slightly. The floor made no sounds, the metal under absorbing any potential sound that the wood could make.

"Welcome... to MY 5 Kage Summit."

The air remained thin. No one dared to move even a muscle. Naruto slowly got up from sitting down and stood up without any traces of backing away. Just like with Obito, they couldn't move even an inch.

"You... you... actually came," muttered Naga, his grin everlasting as he took another step forward. Naruto noticed this and narrowed his eyes.

"Who are you? You don't seem to be anyone I recognize." Naruto knew nothing of Naga's existence. But he remained calm as he observed the area.

He caught sight of numerous extensions of wood that covered the background.

Wood? So he must be one of those artificial Wood Release users. Naruto thought deeply before his train of thought was disrupted by the voice of Naga. He turned back to him.

"Me? You can call me Naga. My past doesn't have any importance nor should you have any interest in it." Naruto started slowly to piece things together as he locked contact with the dark-black orbs.

"The only thing you need to know that the man I used to serve - Orochimaru - is no more! I now don't have to take trivial orders from him anymore! I was a dispensable tool - an aberration!" He yelled wood sprouting under him.

The wood under him sent him like a piston pushing objects.

"Now! This hunt towards you will give me real meaning! As long as you exist, you'll give everyone a purpose - a meaning to hunt you down!" Naruto smirked as he heard those words. Everything began to become clear to him.

So this is the guy - the reason why Obito fought me; he found a tool that he couldn't lose at all cost. Naruto brought his hand out, his fingers arching into a claw-like grip.


Naga found himself unable to move as he crashed down to the floor, the wooden boards clashing with the iron underneath. Naruto looked down towards Naga.

"Now, now. There's no reason for us to fight. My purpose here is not to single handedly kill each and every single one of you. No, I have something to say that will intrigue everyone here." Naruto dodged a strike from Onoki.

The young Uchiha backed away just a tiny bit, sending a glare at the Tsuchikage. As soon as Zettaireido recharged, Naruto forcibly put him down with the flick of a wrist.

Onoki also stumbled down.

"You've crossed your boundaries, old man. You're strong, but we're no longer in the relic ages. Your age has surpassed your strength." Naruto glared down. Onoki glared at the floor.

"You... a brat that has caused nothing but pure annihilation." The Uchiha stood tall, unfazed by Onoki's words. In fact, Naruto dared to say that those words were almost a compliment.

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