Chapter 53: Reverse

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Soon enough, they made a stop.

"We need to do it now before it's too late," said Sakon and Ukon, getting nods from all of the other Sound Four.

They all turned towards Satsuki.

"As of right now, your Curse Mark is only at the first stage." Satsuki raised her eyebrow at them with this newfound information.

"And for you to evolve to the next stage -- you must die once." Satsuki sharpened her eyes, waiting the next thing to happen.

"And these are the key to that," Sakon told Satsuki, taking a small bottle out, showing an abundance of small, tiny pills inside of it.

"Those are Mind Awakening Pills. Those pills will forcefully stimulate and make the Curse Mark go to the second stage," Tayuya told her, not using her usual sharp-tongued mouth to spout out some nonsense and foulness.

"However, if things are left unchecked, you will have a permanent death. In order for you to control the Second Stage, your body will have to be accustomed to it. Once doing this, you won't be able to last for even a minute before your inevitable death." Naruto was quite intrigued in their ways to prevent death as he gazed down at them from a tree above.

"And what will happen after?" Satsuki questioned, her features were sharp as she gave Sakon a thin gaze.

"You don't need to worry, that is why we are here." Sakon walked towards Satsuki and handed her the bottle of pills.

Looking at the pills, her mind raced with many thoughts.

I could die and that would be the end of it. But if I live, it would be another large step for me to gain more power to defeat Itachi. Satsuki mused, taking the risk and downing one of the pills within her system.

She felt the immediate effects of the Mind Awakening Pills all throughout her body. Clenching her stomach, she kneeled down with the overwhelming pain covering all throughout her body.

"Now! Do not fail!" Kidomaru yelled as everyone got into position. Sakon had a large scroll behind his back where his twin brother Ukon was located.

A large barrel appeared right beside Satsuki that was full of seals.

Jirobo picked up Satsuki and placed her inside of the barrel. Jumping back, everyone in the Sound Four performed exactly one different hand seal.

Bringing their arms up into the air, a dark mist illuminated from their hands and gathered at the top to form a large cloud full of darkness.

Slamming their hands down, the black mist all gathered into the barrel to seal it off.

"Four Black Mist Formation!" Sakon held four sealing paper in the grasp of his hand and threw it at the barrel that had Satsuki inhabiting it.

"Black Seal!" All of the seals had sealed all of the sides of the barrel, letting Satsuki to rest and get accustomed to the body instead of instantly dying.

She was in a false death state.

"We're done for now. Let's go." Everyone nodded, bringing Satsuki along with them. As they walked to their destination, a few Jonin of Konoha appeared right in front of them.

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