Chapter 11: Events

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"Hey, this is only a one time thing. Once I finally know what to do, I'll be easily surpassing you quickly." Naruto looked at the childish Satsuki, amused only slightly.

"I particularly don't care," said Naruto, gaining a grunt right out of Satsuki. She huffed snd looked away. "I'll make you care!" Shouted Satsuki, throwing a punch towards Naruto's face.

He dodged with ease.

"Stop," said Naruto, catching a kick that was aim right towards him. He was unfazed/unaffected by such actions. Satsuki gritted her teeth, retreating her leg away from his grip.

Naruto sighed, walking away from her.

"You better remember that I'm going to surpass you!" Yelled Satsuki from behind. Naruto looked back, nodding and shrugging to what she was trying to say. "Like I said: I don't care," stated Naruto, nodding his head once more before disappearing in the vast and endless trees that illuminated the forest.


"What do you need, Danzo?" Hiruzen saw Danzo enter the room that he resided in. Their eyes met and had an intense gaze right towards each other. "Hiruzen, I wanted to discuss about something," said Danzo, sitting down in a chair.

"What would that be?" Asked Hiruzen, already knowing the discussion will lead to something much more controversial and infuriating for Hiurzen and his ideology.

"I would like to discuss about a proposal that I had in mind," said Danzo, a dangerous glint shining from his left eye. This caused Hiruzen to narrow his eyes directly at the man in front of him.

"And that proposal would be?" Asked Hiruzen, narrowed eyes still being narrowed right towards Danzo. A light and tight smirk appeared on Danzo's face.

"I would like to recruit Ahihcu Naruto to ROOT." Hiruzen widened his eyes and immediately emitted a dangerous glare at Danzo. He pulled out the smoke pipe that he was currently using.

"That is out of the question," said Hiruzen, a firm tone evident inside his voice. Danzo clenched his hands and turned them into a strong and tight fist. "And why is that?" Asked Danzo, obviously not pleased with what Hiruzen was saying.

"He's not ready, nor will he ever be ready for such things," stated Hiruzen in a very firm manner. Danzo did not take this very lightly at all. He had his fists squeeze even tighter.

"He's ready. I heard the reports; he annihilated all those graduating students with hardly any effort! I have eyes and ears all over the place, Hiruzen." Danzo was glaring at Hiruzen with his open eye. "I also have eyes and ears all over the place," said Hiruzen, matching the glare's intensity with a glare of his own.

"That is besides the point, Hiruzen. The point is that he's perfect and will fit in ROOT. Don't you see? This opportunity will strengthen the forces of Konoha! The moment the rumors that he and Jiraiya had came to the village, I, Shimura Danzo, kept keen eye on him!" Yelled Danzo, trying to persuade Hiruzen on letting him turn Naruto into a machine.

"Your thoughts, decisions, don't matter me, The Hokage of Konoha. But I won't let you cross the line. Beware of overstepping your boundaries," said Hiruzen, not pleased at what Danzo was saying out of his mouth.

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