Chapter 101: Rasengan and the Iron Sand!

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"You brought me out here for what?" He asked as they sat down on a people. Numerous people were passing by them, looking at them briefly before continuing on their day.

They had recognized their beauty. The prettiness of their faces.

This was the superficiality of humanity.

"A date... to temporarily fix your loneliness," she said, unknowingly fixing the strand of hair that threatened to cross her eyes. They locked eyes.

He smiled lightly.

"Thank you," She noticed one thing about him that put her in a vast, but momentary daze as they stared at one another.

His smile did not reach his eyes. She analyzed him, seeing the sadness that lurked behind those precious orbs of his.

And she was sure-

That tears threatened to fall from those beautiful eyes.

"You're truly a kind person."


Sasori shot forward, the iron sand trailing all around him. His heart raced, the iron sand sharpening through his undying influence.

He motioned his arms, the sand shimmering under the night's gaze. Like a swarm of dangerous bees, Sasori sent an onslaught of iron sand that sought to end Jiraiya's life.

Dodging and moving back, Jiraiya wove through a set of hand seals before spelling toad oil from his mouth. Responding quickly to his movements, Sasori flicked his hand, a wave of iron sand turning into a tight barrier.

Huffing, Sasori jumped to the side, a fireball being sent his way. He muttered a curse, anger swelling as he saw his iron sand light on fire.

"You little shit," Sasori said vehemently, discarding section of iron sand that had caught on fire. He was forced to back away once more, the fire that was spat on the oiled-sand becoming brighter, flickering wildly.

Sasori moed to the side, a jaw-breaking punch just barely missing his face - the only area of his body that was not covered in iron sand.

His hand outstretching, Sasori kneaded the iron sand with his convulsed fingertips. Following his command, the iron sand remained steadfast, shooting forward to attack Jiraiya with intentions of killing him.

Jiraiya stomped on the ground, the rocky textures jumping up. Kicking off of it, Jiraiya retreated before he could get caught in an everlasting attack.

Regaining his balance, Jiraiya wove through a set of hand seals. With a wall of earth rising, Jiraiya barely managed to avoid a speeding needle of iron that almost pierced his eyeball.

Wasting no time, conjured his next attack.

This time, Jiraiya exploded with a gust of wind, propelling out of his mouth. Averting the iron sand, Jiraiya jumped on top of a food vendor.

There was a large umbrella that was made with thin sticks that shaded off light from the vendor that sold their goods to the citizens.

Flipping off of the food vendor, Jiraiya kicked it with his leg.

With the vendor being sent towards the man with malice afterthought, Jiraiya moved back once more, trying to buy himself time before backup appeared.

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