Chapter 1: The Prince's Princess, and the Crowned Jewels

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Hey everyone! Welcome to the sequel! If you're here, you probably have read the first book in this series, and are here for more :D. If not, then you can go check out the first book if you want, but you don't have to read it to understand this one :)!

I hope that you're going to enjoy the book and that you have fun reading the first chapter!

Hugo Agreste slammed open the door of the dining hall, startling more than one worker. He stormed down the hallway, everyone turning their heads to avoid his gaze. One girl, Angela Cunningham, looked up at the prince and smiled softly.

"Hey, hey, hey," Angela grabbed his arm, twirling herself on the back of his heels as he turned around. "What's the matt-" "My father, my mother," -he pinched the bridge of his nose- "They're forcing me into a Selection!" Angela froze at the statement, "Wait, what?"

"My father is...he's making me become the king when I'm 23 - meaning that I have to start The Selection now, find a wife, learn how to be a proper king," -he paused, rubbing his face- "And spend enough time with my wife so she doesn't leave me!" Angela laughed at his last statement.

"Is something funny, Miss. Cunningham?" Hugo spat coldly. She giggled, "No, just you're funny," she rubbed the back of her hand against his cheek. "When's the last time you put moisture on your skin?" she noticed as he grabbed her wrist and placed her hand by her side.

"Is that really important right now?" he sighed. "Calm down," she started, "Okay, so, why do you need to find a wife?" "Since the kingdom needs a queen, does it not Miss. Cunningham?"

"Well, love isn't forced," she stated as they continued to walk down the hallway. "Isn't that what The Selection is? Forcing women to marry the prince while they sleep in the palace?" Hugo smirked slightly when Angela laughed.

"Well, I think that The Selection is a way to force the stuck-up prince to get married," Angela commented. "Excuse me?" he turned his head. "You heard me," she stopped him with her hands. "If you really want a girl, lose the attitude - and put some moisture on your skin for goodness sake!" she grabbed his face with her hands.

"Stop touching my face, thank you!" Hugo exclaimed instantly, grabbing her wrists and placing them by her sides. She stuck out her tongue as he let a chuckle slip from his lips. "You never grow up, do you," Hugo leaned on the wall with crossed arms. "What's the fun in growing up when you can stay young?"

Hugo sighed, "I wish I could forever stay a child," "You weren't even I child when we met!" Angela bounced back as Hugo rolled his eyes at her foolishness. "Is that some sort of insult?" "No," she braided a piece of his hair as he sighed, "But it's something worth noting," she finished the braid as he separated it quickly.

"Why don't you braid your own hair?" "Yours is thicker it's more fun," Angela commented, a bit of envy laced into her tone. "Hugo," His mother, Marinette Agreste, quickly scurried over. "Nice to see you, Angela," -she flashed a quick smile- "I need you and your sister immediately," her tone spiralled back to seriousness.

"What about Louis?" "Your father is getting him, now go get your sister," she scurried off before Hugo could ask why. Hugo waved to Angela, speed walking down the hallway and into the grand hall.

Hugo muttered impatiently, going up to the third floor, attempting to check her bedroom. He knocked on the door and then opened it seconds later. "Hugo?" Emma asked, a childish tint in her voice. "Come now," he grabbed her wrist.

"What's wrong? Does Louis need some-" "No, and before you ask, I have no idea. Mother and Father just needed us," Hugo muttered, Emma scoffing under her breath. They both got back to the grand hall seeing the Queen and King - both contemplating with an old man in a white suit.

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