Chapter 8: The Kiss of a Thousand Wishes & Dreams

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Hey everyone! Clippy checking in. Ah, I loved writing this chapter - it was so fun. It's probably one of my most favourite chapters of all, since [SPOILER REDACTED]

Haha, anyway, if you want to know what I'm so hyped up about, you better get reading! I hope you enjoy the chapter :)

The sunlight poked out from the snow-coloured curtains, Angela struggling to open her eyes. She massaged her eyelids, her hangover making her want to drift off into another heavy sleep. She then shot her eyes open; this wasn't her room.

She sat up quickly, sucking in a hitched breath as a nurse grabbed one of her arms gently. "Hey, hey," she settled her down, "it's alright. Breathe." Angela did this movement, both of her eyes swelled with fright and confusion. "W-What is happening," her voice quivered, "where am I?"

"You blacked out yesterday," the nurse answered gently. "W-What?" Angela whispered, her features etched with concern. "It seems you were drugged yesterday at the dance," the nurse sighed, "and you had a little too much to drink."

Angela's memory was fogged about last night. Even if she could have remembered, she would have never wanted to know the truth about what she nearly missed. "How did I even get here then?" She whispered silently.

"The prince had brought you in," she handed her a cup of water, "you looked pretty rough." "He, WHAT!?" Her breathing quickened, Angela then covering her face with hair strands entwined between her fingers.

"The prince!? God no!" "What's the matter?" "What's the matter!?" She rambled in disbelief. "The prince had probably seen me when I was passed out, and I'm probably going to get fired for being so unprofessional. And, if I get fired, then I can't take my mom's place as Head Maid, and then what am I supposed to do with my life!?"

The nurse snickered, "I believe you're overthinking, miss." The prince smiled on the other side of the door, enjoying the returning chime of Angela's voice. After Angela had calmed down slightly, he opened the door handle, the eyes directing on him.

He crossed his arms, "Why, good morning Miss. Cunningham." She smiled nervously. "Hey, Hugo," she rubbed the back of her neck, "how are you?" "I would like to ask you the same thing," he stared at her, "it appears you were in a rough state the other night."

She groaned, "I mean I wouldn't know," she mumbled in defeat, "since I don't remember a thing~!" The prince chuckled, "though, I would like to ask why-" 

"Angela, darling!" Hugo turned his head over his shoulder, a man scurrying to Angela's side.

A woman with bright red hair then popped in, "Angela, my goodness, what happened!?" Angela giggled nervously, "Mom, Dad, I'm fine." Hugo took a quick mental note; it seemed that these two strangers were her parents. 

Hugo's eyes widen slightly, Angela's arms wrapping around both her parents. The man with groomed raven hair turned back at him, "You must be the prince, I presume."

"Correct," Hugo extended an arm, "I'm Hugo, a pleasure Mr. Cunningham." The man took his hand, shaking it with a firm grip. "Dr. Quinton Cunningham, it's an honour." Angela giggled, "Dad, you and Hugo are so similar."

Hugo smirked slightly, Quinton tossing his daughter a quick look. Hugo then glanced at the girl with a strawberry head and a wide smile. "Zoey," she flicked her hand up, signalling a wave, "nice to see you again Hugo."

Hugo had felt her face looked slightly familiar; "You work here, yes?" She nodded, "head maid." Hugo nodded slightly, remembering a glimpse of Angela's rambling.

"Do you know what happened, sweety?" Zoey asked, concern laced into her usual peppy tone. "I don't really remember anything," she muttered sheepishly. Her grip tightened on the hospital bed sheets, Hugo had noticed; Quinton still scanning the prince up and down for any sign that he hurt his daughter.

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