Chapter 11: The Lunch Date & Adria Rossi

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Well, guessing by the title, you will get to know Hugo's feelings about The Selection. As well, that last name seems similar...

Hehe ;). Anyway, let's jump right into it! Enjoy!

Hugo swirled his champagne, eyeing the girl across from him. The sunlight glared on the stained glass windows, Hugo's midnight hair popping in the bright sunroom. The prince took a sip of his beverage, the girl laughing as he did so.

"Lunch was so fun," she smiled widely, "it was nice getting to know you." 

"And you as well," the prince stood up. "Your name was?" He asked, double-checking.

"Naideline," she replied with a smile. "Right," he chuckled, "I'll see you around, I suppose."

Without thinking, the girl ran up to the prince and pecked him on the cheek.

Naideline waved as the hinges creaked loudly, all before the large bang when the doors shut. Hugo's smile faded instantly, rubbing his temples. He instantly used his thumb to pick at the ruby stain on his cheek.

"This is why I didn't want a selection," he grumbled, his kwami flying out of his pocket. 

"That girl seems nice," he commented, getting a huff in reply from the prince. "She's cute," Plagg added, still not getting the reaction he wanted from Hugo.

"I don't care if she is pretty or not," he muttered aggressively. 

"Look," his kwami started, flying directly up to his nose. "Just get Angela out of your head - you'll see this girl in a whole new light if you do that."

Hugo then huffed, pushing Plagg out of his face. "I don't want to get Angela out of my head." He mumbled in reply. 

"What about what Johnathan said," Plagg teased, using air quotes.

Hugo rolled his eyes. "He can't control what I feel for Angela, and I promised I would not act on those temptations."

"What temptations?"

"Plagg, can we not."

Plagg went silent, Hugo picking up his papers from before. "Why are you always carrying around those papers?" Plagg asked. 

"So I have a clean excuse for when people come up to me asking to do something," the prince spat sarcastically.


"Plagg-!?" He sighed deeply, "it's called sarcasm."

"What's that?"

The prince rolled his eyes. "It's nothing. Nevermind."

Plagg snickered as Hugo slammed the large door shut, the noise erupting through the hall. After pacing through the pathway, he hears the faint sound of high heels growing louder.

"Hello?" A girl with an alluring voice tapped his shoulder. 

He glanced up. "Yes?" Is there something that you need?" 

She smiled, "well, yes," she practically purred.

"Is that so," he sighed, "what is it?" 

She extended out her hand, not replying. "Adria Rossi," she kept her hand up until Hugo reluctantly shook it.

He didn't know why the name felt familiar, but he let this thought pass like the evening wind.

"Hugo Agreste..." He muttered, the tension growing. 

Her smirk seemed devilish, Hugo proceeding with caution in his next sentences.

"I was wondering," she paused, lacing her fingers through his cravat. "Would you like to stop by my room later on?" "For some alone time," she added.

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