Chapter 20: The Selected Contract

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Hey everyone! Eclipse checking in. I've been kinda busy with school, but I have been keeping up with the updates, which is great! School is ending for me soon, so that's also great.

But, let's jump into this chapter. Enjoy!

The king was now fully out of the hospital. The rightful king. Not the son who played around with the golden crown while being read a bedtime story. The boy who cried wolf; an engraved tale from childhood who quite literally got eaten by lies.

Even though the boy was gone, there are still little troublemakers over the world causing mischief. Nothing is gone forever, similarly to his father's disease.

Hugo never wanted to be king, just like the boy never wanted to learn his lesson. Hugo may not get punished as the little boy did, but there is always a yin to the yang.

He'll be king one day.

Nothing lasts forever, but nothing is gone forever as well.

"Reality is confusing," Hugo says. Plagg snickered, unaware of the prince's thoughts. He spewed out random fits of information for Plagg to laugh at. Those were the only conversations that didn't include their fighting.

Now that the king is back on the throne, Hugo can go back to focusing on one thing worse than being eaten by wolves.

Talking to girls in The Selection.

Angela had also taken her rightful place back. She wasn't the assistant anymore, well, at least not for now. 

Hugo walked into the grand hall. The wind gently blew his hair, and he winced slightly. He smiled subtly as Naideline ran up to him. 

"Naideline, I trust you've been well?" Hugo says. A certain joy was evident in his tone.

She nods happily. "Yeah, my mom is doing so much better. And business has been blooming for them," she says. "So, with good follows bad like dream follows nightmare."

He nods. "Interesting simile," he says. 

She giggles. "How have things been around in the palace?"

He visually stiffens. "Some things have occurred during your parting and arrival," he says cautiously.

Her brows furrow. "Anything serious?" she asks as they walk down the hall speedily.

"Yes, very serious," he starts. "One of the selected had gotten injured severely. We suspect that this was the work of one of the other competitors."

Her eyes widen. "When? And what happened?" She asks desperately.

"It was not too long ago, but she is in stable condition as well. She had gotten acid thrown at her face," he says. He sighs as she tugs on his arm for him to stop.

"That's - did you catch the culprit?" She asks.

Hugo shakes his head. "No, we are not leading into deep investigation until the girl wakes up fully. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty."

Naideline nods and stays silent. 

Hugo thinks she could be mad at him. For what reason? It was undetermined. It was just a feeling, perhaps.

"I - that's so horrible! I don't know how to react," she admits. She winces at the sunset glare through the windows. 

"It is hard information to process, I will admit. But, I'm glad you are back at the palace. It will be nice having a second distraction from his madness." Hugo says.

She smiles warmly. A bit too warmly. Is that blush?

Hugo stiffens slightly and clears his throat. "I do believe it will be nice to catch up. Did anything interesting  happen while in your hometown?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2021 ⏰

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