Chapter 14: A Whisper of Luck for the Honey Blossom

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Hey everyone! Clippy checking in again with another chapter. Well, Hugo and Angie had a fight :o. So, we're going to be focusing on more Hugo's selection. But, we still have yet to find out who 'honey blossom' is ;)

Without further ado, enjoy!

Hugo stormed off into his room, slamming the door. 

"Chill, would you?" Plagg grumbled an aggravated tone. 

Hugo rolled his eyes, not wanting to deal with this. "Plagg, just," he started with a huff. "Leave me alone." 

"Well, can't do that prince-boy." 

Hugo pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing deeply. "I'm right,  you know," Hugo shouted, whipping his head around. "She's stuck in an unhealthy relationship."

"And who's she going to listen to?" He rambled on. "Not her best friend, of course."

Plagg snickered, earning a glare from the prince. "Just tell her!" Plagg added with an eye roll. 

"Tell her what?" The prince spat desperately. "No, please tell me what to say. I have no idea."

"What?" Plagg replied in a mocking tone. "Prince-boy doesn't know something?" 

Hugo rubbed his face as Plagg swarmed around his owner.

"My hair, Plagg," Hugo muttered. Plagg shrugged as the prince continued to pace a hole in the bedroom floor.

"She just thinks I have a crush on her," Hugo finally spat, "that's the problem." 

"Well, you do," Plagg replied, earning the prince's gaze. "Don't you?"

Hugo went silent, ignoring the question. "Does it matter if I do or do not?" He concluded strongly. "Anyway," he muttered, "I still care about her. I want her to be in a healthy relationship."

"Nah, you just want her to be in a relationship with you," Plagg snickered. 

Hugo opened his mouth to shout, then closing it immediately. "At least it will be a healthy one." The prince muttered.

"He says, even though he has no experience with any relationships," Plagg said quickly after.

Hugo rolled his eyes. "This is true, but," he then came to the realization he had nothing to say. "...I-I've read books-"



Hugo grabbed his kwami in his fist. "Not that type of romance, Plagg." He muttered angrily.

"Clarify," Plagg responded simply with a smirk. 

Hugo practically had steam flowing out of his ears, but he contained an angry burst with a deep sigh. "I'm just saying I want her in a healthy relationship. Not that I want that relationship to be with me." 

"Whatever you say, prince-boy," Plagg sighed. "Though..."

After a long time, Hugo raised his eyebrow. "Yes?" Hugo says. "Please continue."

"You are a terrible liar." Plagg finished with a smirk. 

"I am not!" Hugo shouted immediately. "A-And I was not lying."

"That was the second thing you said-" 

"Shut your trap, Plagg." He checked his watch, "I am going to be late to patrol," the prince muttered angrily. "All thanks to you," he made sure to add.

Plagg stuck his tongue out at him, the prince not knowing why he expected his kwami to be mature in any way. "Plagg claws out!"

The kwami got sucked into the vortex from his miraculous gem, his leather mask forming. His hair whipped around in the magic and got tucked inside of his oversized hood. A long draping black cloth formed over his chest, his sword glistening in its leather holder tied to his cat-tail belt.

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