Chapter 2: The Unlocking of the Crowned Jewels

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Hey everyone! Okay, recap from the last chapter. So, the "master" was introduced, or he could be the villain as well ;) But, we know that Adrien has a disease, and that's about it-

Aha, in this chapter things begin to get more interesting. I would explain, but you just have to read and find out! Also, at the end of the chapter, you'll see some very special art done by a very talented person ;3 But you'll have to wait until then! Or, you could just scroll down-

Welp, without further ado, enjoy!

"Get him!" a guardsman shouted, three of them pouncing onto an intruder. The intruder breathed heavily, rushing out of the broken window frame. He punched one of the guardsmen in the face; immediately getting choked by another.

He kicked him with his heel, turned around, and punched him in his nose. He blew on his bruised fist, then rushing to grab the small shimmering jewel from the golden crown. Another guard whipped out his sword, the intruder grinning devilishly.

He dodged a thrust and punched the guard in the face, quickly kicking the sword out of his grip as it spun onto the floor. He then grabbed his body, thrusting the guard's head into the stone holder. The stone crumbled as the intruder sucked in a breath, the last man hitting the floor.

He noticed the splatter of the guardsmen's blood, quickly dusting off his black padded unitary before jumping out the window once more. As soon as the third back-up had arrived, the intruder had fled the scene with the purple crowned jewel.


Hugo rubbed a pair of pebbles between his fingers. "How did they get away?" he sighed, "How!?" "It seems that the security in place was not enough," the head guardsman sighed. "Though, it appears they were only after the one jewel."

"One jewel could sell for thousands," he shot back strictly, "What would have happened if he had come here for all of them?" "There will be a different outcome for the next time," -his brows furrowed- "We will make sure of that."

"You better," Hugo mumbled. After releasing a deep sigh, he noticed the rushed breathing from the guardsmen echoing through the crumbling walls. "My prince," -they sucked in a breath- "There is an emergency."

"Another one?" -he raised an eyebrow- "How much could go wrong in the span of a couple of hours?" "The kingdom is under attack," he breathed.

"What!?" The prince rushed down to the stairs straightening his suit. "Where, and is my father dealing with the matter?" "It's much different than a usual attack, my lord." He stopped, "Care to explain further?"

"W-Well, it seems some sort of," -he paused- "S-Some sort of monster is attacking." "Are you joking with me?" the prince scoffed, "This is no joking matter."

"I am not," the guard's voice echoed as he ran up to his father. "Dad, what is going on!?" Hugo glanced to the right at his sister's chiming voice. "Mom!? Dad!?" Louis screamed; Hugo running over to his parents.

"What is going on!?" Hugo asked hurriedly. His mother looked close to tears, "S-Some sort of monster is attacking!" the prince's eyes widened. "Father," "It seems the red and black jewels were also stolen from the crown."

"No, they were not," -Adrien sighed- "I have the black jewel - your grandfather had given it to me when I was a boy." "Oh," he muttered. Adrien reached into his breast pocket and pulled out the black jewel, dangling on a silver chain.

"You know, it says that worthy person would be able to reach the full potential of the crown jewels," -he dropped it into Hugo's grip- "Maybe you should try it?" Hugo sighed deeply, stuffing the jewel into his pocket, "I'm just going to return it to the crown, I suppose."

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