Chapter 10: The Girl with Strawberry Dreams & The Two Gentlemen

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Hello everyone! Clippy checking in. So, guessing by the title, let's see if anyone can guess who's going to be featured in this chapter. But, we're going to see if prince-boy is going to figure out the truth about Angela and Johnathan's relationship...

But, to find out, let's get right into the chapter. Enjoy!

Hugo paces down the hallway, flicking through some of the papers in his hands. He mumbled equations to himself, doing quick mathematics in his head. He then feels someone then tug on his arm, whipping his head around.

"Angela," the prince cleared his throat, "how are you?" "I'm fine," she mumbled. "But, we need to talk about what happened the other day." The prince sighed, "I was afraid you were going to say that." He pivoted down the hall, both of the teens walking through it side by side.

"I told Jonathan." "You did what!?" The prince then cleared his throat, "why?" She sighed, "because I obviously hurt him. And not telling him made me feel more guilty!"

The prince scoffed, "it was just one kiss, and it meant nothing." 

"That's what I said!" Angela lowered her squealing tone, "but he still wants to talk with you." He groaned, "I'm not just free all day to sort out your relationship issues."

She slit her eyes, "says the guy who started the problem." The prince stared at her astonishingly as she stuck out her tongue. He sighed deeply, rubbing his temples. "At least get me a cup of coffee," he muttered, "I can't do this without caffeine in my system."

She smiled, handing him a cup of freshly brewed. His eyes widened slightly, "how did you-?" "How did I get it?" She laughed, "well, luckily for you, your best friend knows you better than you know yourself."

The prince smiles slightly, Angela still giggling to herself. He had noticed her usual work attire, stopping himself from staring at it. "Angela," he muttered, "Is that your usual maid attire?"

She shrugged, "I don't know." "This is the one Johnny gave me," she added. "Charming," he muttered, avoiding his eyes from drifting to her cleavage. "Tell Jonathan that I'll be meeting him in an hour."

She crossed her arms, huffing slightly, "why such a long time?" He lifted the stack of papers in his hands, "do I need to explain further, Miss. Cunningham?" She smiled slightly, patting him on the shoulder before the two parted ways.

The prince then sighed, "go on, Plagg." "What," Plagg whipped out of his breast pocket, "eager to talk to me?" He rolled his eyes, "you usually have something to tease about every time I talk to Angela."

He snickered, "well, you were staring at her." His eyes widened, "I was not." "You were," Plagg shot back, "how else would you have noticed her lower v neck? Or, her shorter skirt?" 

The prince rolled his eyes, "I have been seeing those outfits since the day I was born. I have memorized what they usually look like - that isn't the usual attire." "What's so different?" Plagg urged on as Hugo rubbed his temples.

"You know what is different," Hugo muttered. "I want you to say it," Plagg flew up to his nose as Hugo slapped his kwami out of his view. "I will not," he concluded forcefully. "You're going to be practically purring it once you get her alone~!"



Hugo walked down to the maid quarters, trying to avoid eye contact with any of them. He didn't want to spark any unnecessary conversations. "Angela, hello," he caught her attention. "Oh hey," she smiled, "Johnny isn't here, though." He rubbed his temples, "then why did you ask me to come here?"

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