Chapter 7: A Moonlight Sonata & The Minor Third

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Hello everyone! Clippy checking in. So, this chapter is very related to chapter 8, which will be coming out next week :). You got some Angela x Hugo in this, but also Johnathan will make an appearance, so let's see how that goes.

Also thank you for 130+ views! It's honestly quite a shock to me, especially for a sequel. I'm glad you guys are enjoying this series :)

Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

Angela skipped into the prince's chambers, Hugo rubbing his eyes. "Good morning, Miss. Cunningham." He muttered, "how are you?" "I'm amazing, what about you?" She chimed in reply, running over to the side of his bed.

"I swear to god," -she cupped his face- "I will put moisturizer on your face myself!" He groaned, getting out of bed as she let go of his face. "Fine, I'll go do it now," he grumbled, "happy?" She nodded enthusiastically, Hugo sighing as he shut the bathroom door.

"That Angela smells like lemonade," Plagg noted, snickering as his holder told him to lower his tone. "Of course she smells like that," he scoffed, "she's a laundry maid." "So, you're saying that know what she smells like?"

He glared at his kwami, grabbing some moisturizer and sighing. "Do I use this?" he questioned. Plagg shrugged, him putting some onto his face and hands. He walked out of the bathroom, Angela's eyes lighting up.

"Good!" She squealed, "now you have to do that every day." "What!?" "Hey, if you want to look even more handsome than everyone says you are," -she placed her fingertip on his nose- "then you got to put moisturizer on."

He groaned, Angela giggling. He couldn't be rude to her; he may have cared about her a bit too much. "Also," -he cleared his throat- "would you like to attend the ball tonight?" Her eyes lit up, "That's so great!" -he smiled at her statement- "I would love to!"

"My goodness, Jonathan is going to be so excited." He mentally slapped himself for forgetting about her pesky boyfriend, but he couldn't say that he could not attend as well. "I'm sure," he sighed, "I do have a dress you could wear if you'd like."

"Ooh, can I see it?" She smiled, the prince running to his closet. "My mother gave this to me for a girl," he sighed, hiding his blush, "you can have it if you want." She took the dress, "It's so gorgeous," she breathed, "I can't wait to wear it!"

He smiled gently at her reaction, Plagg snickering behind his back.


"Oh, you look so gorgeous, honey," Zoey praised, asking Angela to spin around once more. She giggled, "thanks, mom!" "It's the dress Hugo gave me," she added. "I think it's too pretty for a girl who works as a maid."

"Don't say that!" Zoey immediately bounced back, "you look gorgeous, and he's going to think that too." Angela smiled at her mother's usual enthusiasm, finding it incredible that she could always look at everything from a positive view.

"The dance is gonna start any minute," she ran up to the door, pausing at the door frame, "and thanks mom, for your help." She dashed out of the room, skipping steps as she jumped down the stairwell.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," -she glanced up at her boyfriend's tone- "we wouldn't want you falling with your clumsiness." She giggled, grabbing his wrist as she dragged him to the grand hall.

He smirked devilishly. "I know a way to really get the night started." Her eyes lit up, "really?" She practically bounced on her toes "how?" "We should go get some drinks at the reception," he glanced at her seductively, "maybe it will help you with your little issue."

She tensed up, "I told you, John," "I'm not interested in having sex with you quite yet." "And," -she glanced back at him- "I definitely don't want to do it with alcohol in my system."

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