Chapter 5: The First Victim, The Strict Laws

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Hey everyone! Clippy checking in again. So, Emma got her miraculous taken last chapter, and Angela's now the new holder! As well, we got to see the speech that they did...But let's get back to Hugo and Angela, shall we?


"Hugo, are you even listening!?" Angela squealed, snapping Hugo out of his train of thought. He chuckled, "I apologize," he paused, "what were you rambling on about?" Angela huffed as the prince smirked, "I was talking about Jonathan!" She shot back.

"Go talk to your other friends about him," he mumbled, "I don't know how to respond if I can not relate in the slightest." "Yeah, what would you know about having a boyfriend," she giggled, "unless there is something you're not telling me."

He groaned, "I like girls, Miss. Cunningham," "what impression did I give against that?" He paused, "May I add that I am starting a male-ran female selection?" 

She giggled, "I thought you said your parents set it up."

He sighed, "Why are we talking about this?" "Hey!" -she crossed her arms- "you brought it up!" "I believe that you did-" he cleared his throat, "-Miss. Cunningham." Her brows furrowed, "Angela!" She squeaked, "my name is Angela!"

"Of course I know that," he smirked, "but I prefer Miss. Cunningham." "Also," he sighed, "stop talking about Jonathan to me," -he rubbed the back of his neck- "he sounds like a plain idiot." "Hey!" -she crossed her arms- "but fine."

"I heard that the girls are coming on Friday," she sparked conversation once more, "you excited?" "No," he muttered, "as you know, I never had the desire for The Selection to exist." Angela bit her lip, not knowing how to reply.

"Did you put in an entry for the competition?" Hugo added gently. "I couldn't have tried out, remember?" Hugo didn't reply, Angela feeling to go on. "Jonathan is my boyfriend, and you can't have a relationship while in the competition."

"I suppose so," Hugo breathed he rubbed the back of his neck. "I'll have to excuse myself though, I'm late for one of my classes." She tossed him a smile, the prince straightening his cravat before taking off. He raced down the hall, his sight line directing back to the papers in his hands.

He glanced up slightly, noticing the princess in his peripheral vision. He glanced to the right; his sister looked like she was half dead. "Emma?" he asked, catching her attention. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she replied mindlessly. Hugo walked up to her, dropping his papers on the ground. He examined her face as the princess glared at him. "Have you been drinking?" The princess jumped at the statement.

"WHAT! OF COURSE NOT!" she paused, wincing, "...why do you ask?" "You look like you just came back from the dead." He shot back, smirking slightly. "Wow, gee, thanks," she muttered sarcastically. "But, are you getting enough sleep?" He followed up.

"HUGO, I TOLD YOU!" -she sighed- "I'm fine." "You don't look very-fine," the prince rolled his eyes. "Is it possible that something else may be bothering you?" 

"I can't tell you that, now can I?" she muttered under her breath, her lips curving into a candied smile.

He didn't let the shock be evident on his face, but he realized that her mood was off because he had stolen her earrings.

"Is there something I could do?" "No, not this one Hugo," she rubbed her face, "oh wait, there is one thing?" "...Well, what is it?" he asked impatiently, "I don't have all day." She glared at him, "could you give me a hug?"

"Why a hug?" "Because you hate them." He glared at her, then wrapping his arms around his sister. She smirked childishly, "You know, you're name does have 'hug' in it-" "I'm letting go now."

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