Chapter 6: The Prince's Selection, The Dark Butterfly

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Hello everyone! I want to thank everyone for 14k on The Selection! I never thought I would reach there, but all of you proved me wrong :D

So, this will be Hugo's first glance at the selection. Let's see what happens! Enjoy!

Hugo sighed deeply, shaking out his shoulders as he left his room. "Morning coffee, your majesty," his assistant handed him a cup. "Thank you," he muttered. It wasn't until the view of Angela had caught his peripheral vision that he realized his actual assistant wasn't there.

"Angela?" he asked astonishingly, "what are you doing here?" She smirked, "I was wondering when you were going to notice," -she giggled- "and, your assistant was busy with party preparations for tomorrow night, so I offered to help."

"Charming," he muttered, sipping his coffee. "Is there anywhere else you need to be?"

"Why?" she smirked, "I can help you complete the things that your assistant does on the first day of The Selection." His eyes brows furrowed, "Excuse me, what?"

"You know, like, comment on how pretty the girls are, and stuff like that." He groaned, "This conversation is proving my point that The Selection is a horrible thing." "Oh, come on," she tugged on his arm, "it's going to be fun."

"You're not forcing me to go anywhere," he chuckled, "especially with your weak grip." "Hey!" She shot back. "I would argue with you, but the girls are already coming in!" She grabbed onto his wrist as they ran down the hall.

"A-ANGELA!" -his breath hitched- "THIS IS ABSURD-"

"Come on," she groaned, "you run so slow!"

"Tch," he muttered, "you're lucky I love you."



They made it to the balcony that looked over the grand hall, Angela lacing her fingers through the cold railing. "Look!" She exclaimed. "This is probably the place where your father saw your mother for the first time."

"Hmm, I suppose so," he glanced down at the girls walking into the palace. "How could he even see anyone? Every girl looks like an insect I could crush between my fingertips." "Hugo!" Angela groaned, "look! look at her!"

Angela pointed to a girl dressed in pale blue, nervously asking one of the guards for directions. "She's pretty, don't you think?" "I suppose so?" He chuckled, "again, I would like to meet them face to face," -he crossed his arms- "not eyes to head."

Angela tossed him a look, "ahh, you make it impossible to have a good time," she groaned. He sighed, "I apologize," he started, then smirking, "I apologize that your good time is most of the time, pure stupidity."

"Even if I don't have a strong grip, I can still kick your but."

He chuckled, "of course you could," -he pat her head- "though, I'm sure that I wouldn't even notice your beating." "I'm sure you would!" She huffed, "now stop!" "Hmm, fine," he chuckled, "but please stop making yourself such a target."

"You can pick on me all you want, prince-boy-" "Prince-boy?" "Yes," she huffed, "and I won't care." "Hmm, what an interesting mindset," he smiled.

She gasped.

He whipped his head around, "goodness!" He shouted, "that is the noise you make when someone is holding a gun to my head!"


"...And?" He groaned, mentally face-palming himself, "I smile all the time." "Lies," she shot back, "and not like that!" She yipped excitedly, "you rarely smile like that!" "I'm sorry that I smile when I'm around you!"

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