Chapter 4: The Princess's Sleeping, Lady Rouge's Awakening

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Heyo everyone! Clippy checking in. I hope you like the art above! It gives you a slight hint of what's gonna happen in this chapter ;)

Let's have a rundown of what happened in the last chapter. Oh yeah - Scarlet bug sucks at her job, and Jonathan is a horrible boyfriend :D!! We love both of those...

LOL, Anyway, let's get to the chapter. Enjoy!

Hugo paced down the hall, slipping into one of the rooms. "Kid, you sure that this is a good idea?" -he cackled- "though, it would be fun to see the terror on that girl's face."

"Do you think I want to do this Plagg?" He sighed, "and get that smug smile off your face." "If you hate doing this so bad-" "Then why am I doing it?" The prince interrupted, "because she isn't up to the task."

"That's a far statement from leading you to stealing her miraculous." "It may not be my little sister fighting with me," -he played with his ring- "and if it isn't, then I will not be retrieving her miraculous."

"What if it is?" Hugo groaned mentally at the question. "Then, I'm going to get her miraculous," -he cleared his throat- "was that not clear the first thousand times?"

"Plagg claws out." The dark kwami entered the ring, black magic winding around the prince. His glowing emerald orbs pierced through his leather mask, his sword forming in his tight grip. He ran for the window, diving out as he ripped his baton from the handle of his sword.

He leaped through the air, silently thinking to himself, jumping onto the roof of one of the towers. "Okay," he breathed. Okay, Hugo, time to find her room. He thought to himself, looking for the door that leads into the palace.

He burst down one, then mentally noting that he needed to be silent; he was sure his parents were not going to behave nicely to the guy in all black sneaking into the palace. He landed softly on the carpeted floor, feeling as if he was a thief while sneaking through his own home.

He heard faint chattering growing louder, quickly dashing into one of the rooms, shutting the door. He let a breath of relief that he didn't know he was holding, glancing at the open window. He jumped out, then clinging onto the ledge while moving to the right.

He opens it up, the princess whipping her head up.

"Monsieur Noir?" she asked, confusion laced into her tone. He glanced to the left; he was sure is Scarlet Bug. She had been the only one who knew his superheroine name. He cleared his throat, "yes, your majesty."

Goodness, I never thought I'd call my own sister your majesty. Monsieur Noir kept a straight face, "or, should I say, Scarlet Bug." She froze slightly. "How did you find out," -she giggled- "so, am I going to know your identity now?"

"Quite the opposite," -he breathed- "I'm here to retrieve your miraculous." The awkward silence grew, Emma then whipping her hands up to her ears. "No! Why!" -she screamed- "I thought we were friends!"

"No need for screaming, is there?" "I am right here." Monsieur Noir sighed, lifting his hand.

"It's nothing personal," -he looked her in the eye- "but, I found out your identity, and you can't be jumping around as Scarlet Bug no longer."

"Is it because I'm the princess?" -she cried- "or because I'm a girl?" "No, I already said the reason for this." He sighed, "I deeply apologize-" "No need to apologize," -she wiped a tear- "because I'm not giving it to you."

He rolled his eyes, "who died made you the owner of the miraculous?" She scoffed, "What gives you the right to steal this from me?" "And, I could easily get you arrested right now." He sighed, "I recommend that you don't," "Because then everyone else would know your identity as well, and your kwami would take her or his miraculous back."

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