Chapter 17: A Sudden Scare & Duty

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Hello everyone!! So, this chapter, guessing by the title, erm- (lots of commas) something happens! (wOw something happens) So, now with that, let's jump right into it :D


Hugo sleeps silently. He then gets a panicked knock on his door. Hugo groans and rubs his temples. "Come in," he says wearily.

His assistant burst into the room. "There is an incident," he remarks with fear. The prince's face was whiter than the bedsheets. His hair was messier than a bird's nest. He didn't look up to the standard he put on himself. "Continue," Hugo pushes impatiently. Goodness, what is with all the staff saying something bad with no context?

"It's your father - the king. He's in the hospital wing."


Emma blew her nose into a tissue. Louis looked sadly at his dad, gripping the hand railing of the bed. Everyone was deathly silent. They focused on the steady thumps from the machine. It was the constant reminder tragedy could happen any second. 

Beep. Beep. Beep. Hugo found himself thinking to the rhythm of the machine. What was he supposed to think? Sadness? Worries? They were all blurred into one blob of emotion. The emotion he sucked deep into the hole where romantic traumas went.

Hugo doesn't know how to react, so he doesn't. He leaves the room and rubs his temples. By the time he was done, his thumbs and forehead would be red. Red like roses. Red like his father's blood. Red like Angela's heart. 

"Hugo?" Angela says. Hugo turns his head around. "Angela," he replies stiffly, clearing his throat. He opens his mouth to say more but closes it. She is obviously here to talk to him, so he wants to make an opening for her to talk.

"What's happening?" She asks, lacing a strand of hair between her two fingers. She ties it into a knot. The knot shrivels back into the rest of her hair. Damn it; focus, Hugo. "My father, he's in the hospital," he finally says.

Her expression went sympathetic. "Any news on that scare?" She asked cautiously. Hugo shook his head. She nodded stiffly. "I'm sure we'll be hearing news soon, though," Hugo says after a long moment. She nods again, a smile forming. "That's good, right?"

"If only it was," Marinette says as she walked out of the room. She tossed Angela a wave. "His disease has been kicking at him for a long time. Let's hope that it releases him from this tight grip."

Hugo nods for a reaction. He wants to say something - anything. He can't; the shock mutes his mouth from working. "I do believe that we will need someone in his place," Marinette says. The two pairs of eyes shoot at Hugo.

"Yes," he says. "Wait, you mean me-" Hugo cut himself off. He looked to the ground. "Is this really the appropriate time? Could you not ask anyone else?" 

"Is there something stopping you from helping out your poor mother?" Marinette says wittily. Hugo opens his mouth to protest. "How great. Hugo, go to your father's office. I'll give you time to get yourself ready." Marinette says, interrupting her son's protest.

Hugo sighed deeply as Angela giggled. "The queen truly is remarkable," she says with a glint in her tone. She then whipped her head to Hugo. "I-I mean, to bystanders! It may get annoying being related to her - not that it is annoying being related to her! I-"

Hugo chuckled as she cut herself off. "I would like to see how long you would be on that thought, but it seems I now have more pressing matters to concern myself with." 

Angela nodded. "Do you need my help?"

"No, I will be okay," Hugo sighed. "No one can really help with this."

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