Chapter 3: The Good Fortune and the Bad Fortune

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Hello my beautiful readers, Clippy checking in :)! Okay, so overview, Scarlet Bug and Monsieur Noir met, and we can already see that Emma is not a very good miraculous holder. I mean, it's the first day, so maybe she'll change?

Also, Hugo's image is at the top- But I am going to replace that image later since I don't like how stiff he looks-

Though, he is a pretty stiff person .__.

Also, here is M. Noir if you're interested in how he looks like .___.


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Here he is, in all his glory .__. But, anyway, we'll get more into depth about what happens in the fight starring SB and MN! But, you'll have to read and find out about that :3. So, without further ado, let's jump right into it.


Monsieur Noir thrust his sword from the holder, someone then immediately pressing him against the wall. "Scarlet!" he groaned, "a little help!?" Monsieur Noir was able to push off the threat himself and then glancing towards the Ladybug holder.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't hear you," she mumbled, "but I got down eight of them - you?" He rubbed his temples, "This isn't a game," he crossed his arms, "unless you think keeping this kingdom from burning down is one?"

"Okay," he breathed, "I'll see you on the top!" "This isn't a game," she mocked, flapping her hands up and down, "gah, that guy really gets on my nerves." She wound up her yo-yo, looping it around one of the peeks of the towers.

She smiled once more, running up the vertical tower, catching up with her partner. She got into a fighting stance, meeting the back of Monsieur Noir. He thrust out his sword, his glowing emerald eyes piercing through his dark leather mask.

"You get the guy on the left!-" -he glanced around- "I got these two." Scarlet Bug winded up her yo-yo, grabbing the guy as Monsieur Noir ran up to the other ones. She laughed, "Too easy," she mumbled, walking up to tease him.

"Hello!~" -she leaned into his face- "how's it like being tied up?" The guy unravelled from the string, kicking down the superheroine. "Focus-" her partner's voice echoed, "-we both don't need you fooling around!"

Monsieur Noir kicked away the last guy, pulling on his sword's handle to grab his baton. "Grab on!" he yelled, Scarlet Bug thrusting her grip onto the pole as it extended out forward. Her hair flapped in the breeze, her sucking in a breath before dropped her down onto the ground.

"Hey!" -he ignored her screaming- "I was doing fine on my own!" He kicked down the door, Scarlet Bug gasping as he ran in without her. "That stupid idiot..." she muttered under her breath, dashing through the door frame, using her yo-yo to thrust her up the stairs.

"Scar!" -he yelled- "grab his fist!" she ran up and grabbed it. "Crap!" -she screamed- "Mr. N I-" "Just do it!" he interrupted angrily.

He managed to punch the destruction holder away, leaping out of the window. "What was so important," he grumbled, "that you couldn't grab the object!"

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