Chapter 9: Sparks turn to Wildfires & The True Power of Destruction

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Hello everyone. It's Clippy here with another chappy. So, last chapter Hugo and Angela kissed... let's see that aftermath~


Warning: Swearing.

Both of the teens stumbled back sharing the same frightened expression. Angela tried to steady her breathing, the prince's face turning more scarlet by the second. They looked each other up and down, both of them turning and sprinting away from each other.

Tikki flew out of her dress's pocket, Angela's face currently covered with sweat. "What just happened," she breathed quickly, "did I just tell the prince I love him, and then he kissed me!?"

Tikki giggled nervously. "Well, technically!" "Not technically," Angela yelled, surprisingly not tripping while she bolted down the hallways in her heels. "I can't believe he did that!?" She yelled this, noticing the questioning tone she had used. "Are you happy?" "Isn't it wrong to feel happy!?"


Hugo turned the corner, Plagg's cackling loudening as he flew out of his breast pocket. "Shut up, Plagg!" he yelled, his face still bright red. "God, that was hilarious," he cackled, "my favourite part was when she stared at you in pure shock!"

"That's not exactly the reaction I was hoping for," he muttered, "and that was my first kiss as well." "There, you got a kiss with the girl of your dreams," -he flew in front of his face, stopping him from running further- "now, go make out with one of those girls from the selection, and get yourself a hot wife."

Hugo rolled his eyes; Angela's hot too, Plagg. The prince rubbed his temples, "Remind me, did I ask you for your input?" He finally asked. "No," he started, "but you looked like you wanted to." "Don't put words in my mouth," Hugo muttered, "I did not."

"Prince-boy is just upset that Angela didn't want to make out with him." "I'm not upset," the prince shot back, "and even if I was, that isn't the reason." "So, you're saying you wouldn't be happy if she made out with you?"

"Plagg," Hugo sighed, "shut up." "Nah," Plagg snickered as the prince rolled his eyes. "Are you happy?" The prince rolled his eyes. "Possibly." "Why," Plagg asked mindlessly, "is it because you helped her cheat?"

"What are you talking about!?" He then stopped walking and rubbed his temples. "Shit," the prince then muttered.

The palace shifted under the prince's feet as Hugo felt a small bit of dust crumble into his hair from above. "Probably another akumatization," Plagg mumbled, the prince whipping his head towards him. "You don't think that," Hugo's breath hitched, "that Angela got-"


Black magic spun around the prince, a leather mask forming onto his face. He leaped off the railing, a spotted heroine falling beside him as he whipped his head around.

"Mini-bug," he flashed a charming smile, "'bout time you came." "Uh-huh," she shot back quickly, "I know you weren't here before." "Caught red-handed," he chuckled, both of them meeting backs as they landed on the marbled tile.

"Do you have any idea who's the new victim," Lady Rouge sighed, "'cause I have no idea." "I may have one idea," the male miraculous holder cleared his throat, "though, I'm not entirely positive." "Your guess is as good as mine," she sighed in reply.

"I believe that I'm a much better guesser than you Mini-bug," he cockily shot back. "Really," she said, feigning astonishment, "confident, are we." "It's possible," he purred, while the ladybug holder laughed.

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