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Amelie POV

When Nick came over a week ago, and I told him how I felt about him, we both became very close and had a very open mind about our relationship. Nick would always pick me up in the morning to then go to lectures and then go and have lunch with me and take me home. I have to say it was very very sweet of him. But today I wanted to tell him about the story of Toby and why I was in so much pain. Today was the right day to tell him as he was coming over to see me and we would be doing assignments for next week.

3 hours later....

We had come home to the dorm and sat on the couch and cuddled for a couple hours, I felt safe and comfortable in his arms.

"Millie?" he says to me

"Do you want to order something to eat?" he asks

I look up at him and smile

"Yeah sure, there are groceries in the cupboard, pick out anything you'd want to eat and I'll share with you" I said as he got up and smiled looking at me.

I thought to myself that I can trust him and tell him about my past, especially about Toby, it was the right time.

"Nick there is one thing I want to tell you about my past before coming here to Manhattan and leaving my parents to go to NYU" I said looking at him whilst holding a glass of wine in my hand

He nodded and smiles at me

"Go ahead"

FLASHBACK (Amelie narrates through the flashback)

"A year ago, I had been going through multiple ways to get a job and earning money to finally be able to go to university, it was very tough for me, being the only one in my family wanting to become a fashion designer, as my mother was a veterinarian and my dad was a doctor, my brother graduated from university himself and became a businessman , I was the only one in my family as their daughter to achieve my dreams"

"Millis, Can you grab me another bottle of beer?" Toby asks

I look at him

"Yeah sure!" i said as I waked up to the fridge and looked at the school schedule held by a small fridge magnet

'Toby and I aren't in the same class tomorrow, so I'll go to work after and he can go home with William' I thought to myself

"At that time I was going through so many emotions with Toby, my boyfriend of 4 years, it was difficult for me, as I wanted to do so much for myself, but also had to think about him too. He would always make me do things for him and I hated it, Toby had created a new idea that him and I would go to the same university, so that he could keep an eye out for me so that no other boy would look at me or talk to me, I hated the shit out of the idea" I said whilst looking at Nick as tears brimmed my eyes.

"As the days passed from me going to high school then work then home, I was very tired, so tired that I wouldn't be able to eat anything. My parents became very worried for me that I would just pass out. Then one day, things became very real to the idea that he'd hurt me enough to punish me throughout our years of becoming who I am. Nick, that man hurt me every day, physically and emotionally. Especially when I told him that I didn't want to go to the same University with him, he got mad, threw things at me, and when to a party"

"Millie, what happened... after the party?" Nick asked looking at me as his hand went on my arm and stroked it gently

I looked at him and my tears started falling down slowly.

"After the argument, I went to work to forget about what had just happened.... I came home and saw a pair of shoes as soon as I came inside of his house... his parents were on a trip with his family.. So it was just me and him .... I heard moaning sounds coming from upstairs and got very nervous...."

I grabbed the hand rail and walked up the stairs, telling myself that it wasn't true.... But my feet were still walking, my hands became moist with sweat, and I felt tears rolling down my face. I got hold of the door handle and opened the door... to see Toby having sex with another girl that I didn't know. I knew neither did he, it was a girl from another party

"Amelie?" he says looking at me as the girl turns around and looks at me in shock.

"SHIT!" she says as she quickly gets off of him and runs to his ensuite bathroom

He looks at me and quickly grabs his pants and runs over to me

"I HATE YOU!" I shouted

"Babe! ... Please let me explain!.... It's not what you think!" he says, trying to run over to me from the bed that he led from with the girl he met from the party.

"Explain? ... Explain?..... There is nothing to explain about Toby! We're officially over!" I shouted as I look at him and then turn around to get out of the room

"Amelie!..." Toby shouts

"I needed to get out of there, it was the only thing that I needed to do. So I went home and cried my eyes out to my brother... it was hard for me... I was going to work everyday just to get enough money for University.. Yes my parents wanted to pay but I wanted to earn it by myself."

Flashback ends

"Now I'm here in NYU because I wanted a new start and wanted to follow my dreams on my own... but Toby is here in Manhattan and he knows where I am... he asked to meet with him, I did ... but I wasn't expecting him to do what he did..." I said sniffling in Nicks arms

"What did he do?"

"He proposed to me" I said getting out of Nick's arms 

"What?" Nick says shocked

I turn around and look at him

"I said no and ran out of the building" I said and then turn back around to face the TV

He came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned his chin on my shoulder

"It's okay, you're safe now Millie ... I love you" he says tightening around me more

I closed my eyes as I felt a tear fall down my cheek, holding onto Nick's arms for dear life.

I knew at that moment, he was my home.

"I love you too Nick" 

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