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Amelie POV

Abby and Rose, I haven't been able to talk to them as much as before, as I have always been with Nick since the start of our friendship and then our relationship. I think they know now, I've seen Abby looking out of the window and then giggling when I come home from the dates that I have with Nick. Rose just looks at me and makes fun of me as always. She's been too into her assignments and I haven't seen her as much. Abby on the other hand has been keeping herself entertained, going to yoga classes with her boyfriend, she says it's been great but very funny, as he hasn't stretched his body enough before.

"He screamed and everyone in the class laughed at him" Abby said laughing whilst holding her fork holding pieces of pasta from her plate.

"I wish I could video it, ah such a shame... I should've said yes when I had the chance... especially having a boyfriend" Rose laughed, spilling her milk for her cup of tea then grabbing a cloth for it.

They looked over to me laughing at the atmosphere within the topic of 'boyfriends'

"So Millie, you've been keeping yourself busy...."

I looked at them in surprise

"Huh?" I said with a straight face.

"So tell us, what's going on with you and the famous and handsome, Nick Anderson?" Rose says as she sits down on the couch holding the cup of tea.

I smile

"Nothing" I say looking over to another direction

Abby looks at me and points at me

"That's a lie... Rose look she's blushing about this" Abby says laughing

"Guys, come on" I said looking back at them

"Please Millie, tell us!" Rose pleads

"Okay... If you really want to know.... We're ...." they both look at me closely like meerkats looking for food, it was actually really cute. I smile

Well, here it goes!

"We're together" I said

"YAY!!!" they both scream

"Finally!" Abby shouts

We all talk about how we both got together, and where he took me for a couple of days, it was very fascinating to see how much they both cared. How much pain did I have to go through just to be here in New York from Toronto living my dream? I love it here!

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, we all looked at each other and questioned who it would be. I stood up and walked to the door still laughing from the comment that Rose had said a couple mins prior to the knock. I opened the door and there was the look on the face that I'd never want to see again.... Toby Smicht

Toby POV

I was going crazy that Amelie wasn't in my life anymore, I still hate myself for hurting her. I hope she still loves me after trying to propose to her. I'm not giving up on her. She'll be mine. But I need to know if she has someone else in her life. At one point I thought that it was that kid from the university, they've been pretty close. I even heard that they went to a cabin and stayed there for 4 days. It killed me. I thought that it was a lie but it wasn't. I keep looking at my phone, searching through the photos that Amelie and I took whilst on our adventures to Florida, San Francisco. But also the one that I'd never want to forget her birthday, she had gotten a new car that she wanted and I and her parents got the car that she wanted using half of my money and half her parents as they wouldn't let me do it on my own. She smiled and cried at the same time. I still have the pictures. She's still beautiful.

"You're going to be mine soon Mills" I said looking at my phone

I stood up and went to the bathroom in my hotel room and started getting ready for the day. I wanted to get to know more of this dude that Amelie is supposed with Nick? Nick Anderson?

She's mine and I will do anything to be with her again, whatever happens.

I walked to the closet, and grabbed my black turtleneck, my blue jeans and my black leather jacket. Quickly did my hair, sprayed my cologne, grabbed my bag and phone, went to my black 2018 Jeep Wrangler, and headed to the dorm that Amelie stayed in. I need to fix this, this was my only chance to be with her and make things right before going home or even losing her.

As soon as I went there, I saw Amelie with the guy, it was him. I lost her to Nick. Who was this guy? I needed more information about him. So I called my friend who was good at getting background information. From the distance, I could see that Amelie was smiling and laughing about something from him. I felt so much anger coming within me. I didn't like the way that he made her happy and made her laugh. That was me, That still should be me. But I fucking broke her heart!

A couple of minutes had gone and Amelie had gone into her dorm and Nick had left to go home.

I needed to see her and talk to her. I went out of my car and walked to the door, opening the door and walking up to the floor of her dorm. I knocked and there she stood, still in her outfit. Her smile suddenly faded with the look from me.

She suddenly closed the door in which I blocked it and succeeded in opening it to see her and the girls in the back.

"We need to talk Amelie!" I said

"No we don't" she said as she held the door as a shield hiding away from me

"Look I know that I hurt you, and I'm very sorry, but you should know that it didn't mean anything, and I still love you......." At that very moment, she peeked out and looked at me, and then fully opened the door.

"You seriously think that I will take you back and love you again. For Fuck sake you hurt me, you emotionally made me think that I couldn't live anymore or even live my own life without you" she said shouting. But I could feel her pain, I was so guilty and I knew that.

"Please, please .... Can we just talk about everything Amelie?" He pleads

"No, I don't want to anymore. I'm with someone else now Toby, you can't just come here and tell me that you still love me...... Toby, you cheated on me, you hurt me physically and emotionally, as well as making me do things for you that I didn't want to do, and with every argument we had, we'd go off storming away or like you fucking some girl that you didn't even know. I lost all my respect and trust within you, Toby.... Just please leave me alone... I don't love you anymore... when I said we're over.... It's over" there she said it, and it was all true. All the words that she said shattered all my plans into making her feel like I still love her,as well as making a more beneficial life for her.

I talk one step forward and look at her, she moves back stepping away from me

"I know I've hurt you and I have made you lose my trust towards you and your family... but please forgive me... come back to me"

She shakes her head no

"I don't want to," she says as she looks at me with tears brimming in her eyes.

"So it's true then? You're really with him?"

She looks at me confused


"That guy, named Nick Anderson?"

"Yes, I'm in love with him.... And you and I don't belong together... not anymore... so please just leave me alone" she says as I see a tear roll down her smooth face

I stretch out my hand and try to wipe away her tears, but she just pushes them away.

"Just know that I will never give up on you Amelie, you belong to me..... I still love you ... and I will do anything to make you come back to me" I say and then walk out of the dorm room 

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