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Nick POV

Days later, I had moments in my head of actually being in this work ethic, but that wasn't the life that I wanted, I wanted Oscar to have this chance to take over and be heir.

Looking at the clock I sat there thinking to myself, that in a couple hours the sun will rise and the day will begin. I will be taking over the business, ME not Oscar. This will be the different life that I didn't want to have. I want my own normal life.

My phone dinged and I looked on my phone, knowing that it was the man I needed to file the rights for my life.

TO: Nick

"Do you still want to do this? This can't be right Nick!"

TO: Jack

"Yes! I need to do this, I want my life to be normal. This was meant to be for Oscar.. Man this isn't right"

TO: Nick

"Okay, I've got everything prepared. Just get ready. I'll text you when I'm there"

TO: Jack

"Alright, thank you man"

I put down the phone and looked outside the window. In a couple hours my life will be changed. I won't be Nicolas Alexander Cole anymore. But Nick Anderson will be the new me.

4 hours later ....

Oscar still hasn't spoken to me, when I text him he would usually text back not even two to three seconds. I hated the fact that my own brother now hated me. It was difficult to know that.

"Shit!" I said, throwing my phone to the side of the bed looking up the ceiling of my room.

30 Minutes later, it was 6 am in the morning.

TO: Nick

"Dude, i'm outside. Get ready!"

TO: Jack

"I'm coming down now"

I looked outside and Jack was in a black Hyundai waiting to go ahead with the plan. So I grabbed my things and took them with me. My passport wasn't needed anyways but just a new perspective in my own life.

I took one more step outside into the street and looked at the home that I grew up in and said goodbye to my old life. Went in the car and looked at Jack

"Are you ready?" he asked, holding onto the steering wheel.

"Let's go" I said looking straight ahead

Jack drove and I didn't look back.

"Is everything in place?"

"Yes, Nick everything is in place"

"Good" I said as I but on my sunglasses

4 Hours later....

"Nicolas! ... Nicolas! ..... Nicolas!... My Son!" She shouted

"Honey, What's wrong?" Drake said to his wife looking at her in worry, as he came into the living room.

She was looking at the TV screen in shock as the news channel told the world that something had happened in the early hours of the morning. Drake looked in the same direction of the TV and looked at the news, he fell onto his knees, with tears brimming to his eyes.

'BREAKING NEWS: Drake Cole's Son Nicolas Alexander has been found dead, after a horrifying car accident early in the morning hour'

"NO!... NO!... Nicolas! My son!" Drake shouts 

Oscar looks at the TV screen and looks at his parents in worry as they just found out that he's dead. His brother is dead. Oscar couldn't believe it. He's gone. 

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