18 0 0

1 Year Later

Nobody's POV

The doors were still closed.

The air was filled with nerves and curiosity.

In Italy, where the hot and mild wind blows, as Nick stands in front of a beautiful view, showing the buildings and water.

"You'll be okay man, don't worry" Lucas said as he pats Nick on the back and walks away into hiding

"Thanks Lucas!" Nick smiles and then looks at the view whilst holding a tiny red box holding the beautifully designed ring

The door opens, and there stood Amelie in a white flowy dress, her eyes covered by Rose

"Are we there yet Rosie?" she asks as she places her hands onto Rose's

"Okay... are you ready?"

Amelie nods

"3... 2... 1" she says as she takes her hands off

Amelie looks at Nick standing in front of her, only a couple metres away

"Nick?" Amelie says as she begins walking towards Nick slowly

He turns around and looks at her, smiling nervously

"Hey baby" Nick says as he suddenly goes down on one knee and looks up at Amelie

She looks so shocked but very happy

Nick takes out the box and opens it in front of Amelie

"Amelie May Huntson.... I have always loved you since the day that we met, and I haven't stopped thinking about you.... You have made me for who i am today and I can't ever, and don't ever want to think about losing you... so Amelie"

Amelie begins crying whilst her hands are in Nick's hands

"Marry me, be mine forever?" Nick says

They stood there for a couple minutes, but then Amelie wipes her tears and nods 'Yes'

"Yes, a thousand times, YES" she says with joy

They both hug each other and kiss. Everyone comes out and hugs Nick and Amelie.

Nick POV

I finally got her back, My love, my world, my life.

I held her waist and hugged her tightly, placing my forehead onto hers

"I love you Amelie, I am never letting you go" i said smiling

"I love you too Nick" she says as she sniffles



The End 


Thank you so much for reading my story, It has been a crazy adventure for Nick and Amelie!

Please read my other story - The Real Love! 

- K 🥰

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