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Nick POV

6 months later ......

Days have gone by and the amount of work I've been doing since becoming back on foot with the work taking over Oscar. It has been very stressful, but I still have her photograph on my desk smiling from the trip that we both had to the cabin outside of Manhattan. It has been giving me courage that one day, I'll be able to see her again, and tell her how sorry I am for hurting her, and to tell her that I fucking love her. Amelie's my world and my motivation.

"Sir, your meeting today begins at 1800 hours"

"Thank you Samara" I say smiling

Each day, I've been sending out bodyguards to ensure that she's doing okay, and to be honest she's doing a lot better. I heard that she's now into modeling and head of her own fashion designs. It's been difficult as each day they come home they have photographs of her either smiling or being very serious with the work she's doing. But one caught my attention, Millie with a boy and she's smiling. Are they dating? Who is he?

I remember Chase, one of my friends, coming into the office and giving me an envelope, and opening it to see Amelie smiling and talking with the boy and her friends Abby and Rose... I would say I'm fine about it but I'd be lying. I still love the girl. She was the one. Amelie is mine. I'm in love with her

"Sir, your father is here to speak with you about a brand for the business and he wants you to meet him in the conference room" says Sasha through the intercom.

"Thanks Sasha, tell my father I'll meet him at 1400 hours" I said as I wrote down in my notebook for the reminder

"Oh and also you can go for your break now Samara, Good Work!"

"Thank you Sir" She says

"Your welcome" I say as I take my finger off from the intercom on my desk

I lean back on my chair and sigh grazing my fingers through my hair, closing my eyes thinking about Amelie, making me miss her even more.

I open my eyes and turn around on my chair facing the view of New York City. Wondering where she'd be in this city. Would I have the chance to meet her again, to touch her and to kiss her?

2 Hours later ...

Meeting my father in the conference room was different than before from the beginning when they found out the real truth and knew that I faked my death. They finally understood the reason why and told me to take over for Oscar as he's gone and got engaged to his girlfriend and head over heels for her.

"Father?" I said opening the door to the room.

He looks up and looks at me

"Oh ... Yes son come on in .... " He says waving his hand telling me to come in

I came in and sat down on the chair in front of him, he smiled at me and gave me the file filled with the information of the company that I will be working with for the business.

"Take a look... and see if you want to work with... they are called 'The Hunt'" dad says looking at the piece of paper containing their information.

I looked through the file and inside showed photographs of the collection of designs. Especially the designs that looked too familiar. It looks like a design that I saw when studying in NYU. it looked like Millie's work.

"The designer is the same age as you son"

"Oh really?"

"Yeah ... her name is Amelie May Huntson" he says smiling

I look up in shock and look at him. The name rings my ears hearing her name.

"Yes, Dad! I'll do it!" I said smiling happily as I look at him

"Okay, I'll set up a meeting for you to talk about the business and the collaboration with their brand" He said straightening his tie and getting up to go out of the room

I smile and then get up from the chair walking towards the window staring at the city view

"I'll see you soon my love" I said looking down at my hands looking at the promise ring on my necklace. 

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