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Amelie POV

Another day at university can be a challenge, but I can do this. Just a couple months left and I can go home and visit my parents for their wedding anniversary. I texted my brother all the details about what they would like as a gift from me.

TO: Lucas

'I think the flowers and the painting that mum couldn't afford last year would be the one'

TO: Amelie

'Okay, yeah that sounds great actually!'

'Have a great day at uni sis!'

I put my phone into my bag and walked through the double doors from the hallway and I saw the classroom in which I was placed for the lecture. I recognised a person's back that looked familiar and their hair colour, it looked like the man that I met from last night. It couldn't be?

"Nick?" I asked walking towards him to get a better look 

He turns around and gives me a slightly small smile.

"Oh Amelie? A coincidence to meet you again Amelie... Do you go here?" he asks as he didn't get the clue from the amounts of folders that I was carrying in my hands.

"Yeah, I'm doing a Fashion Designing degree here, How about you? I didn't know you went here" I asked, looking at his hands fiddling with his bag straps.

"I'm doing a Lawyer degree here at NYU," he says smiling.

"Ah that's great to hear.... Oh I need to go, my lecture is about to begin' I said as I looked over his shoulder, looking at my lecture teacher and the students going inside the room. I see him from the corner of my eyes looking at me, smiling, it was weird but I knew that I had to go.

"I'll see you later Nick" I said smiling and stepping forward

"Yeah, I'll see you later Amelie" he smiled and waved at me.

My phone began to buzz again. I stopped. I looked down and grabbed my phone from my pocket and looked at the screen to see a message from none other than Toby.

TO: Amelie

"Babe? Can we talk?" 

I looked at it and began to reminisce about the memories of being hurt and betrayed. It was Toby 

(Flashback begins)

"I HATE YOU!" I shouted

"Babe! ... Please let me explain!.... It's not what you think!" he says, trying to run over to me from the bed that he led from with the girl he met from the party.

"Explain? ... Explain?..... There is nothing to explain about Toby! We're officially over!" I shouted as I look at him and then turn around to get out of the room

"Amelie!..." Toby shouts

(Flashback ends) 

I looked up and got out of the phase of the memories. This is a new beginning. This is the other reason why you wanted a new beginning. 

People came out of the room and then began going into the room for the beginning of the lecture. I went in with an open mind and began to listen to the new topic.

Nick POV

I looked at her when she stopped. Her smile disappeared looking at something on her phone. I didn't want to ask anything because I didn't want to hurt her. I thought that asking her would make her even more upset.

But then she looked up and then left in front of me. I wanted to know what was happening. I wanted to help her stop the pain and talk to the person that hurt her.

3 hours later ...

"Dude, I think that you should just ask her out. Your so into her" Ryan said nudging me from the side

"I would"

"You would?" he asked looking at me then to the boys

"What? ... She's very pretty, smart and so ... so beautiful" I said as I slowly reminisced about her 

"Nick?" he shouts hitting my arm 

"What?" I asked looking at him laughing 

"Your blushing bro! Look at you!" Xander says looking at him smiling

"Just go and f***ing ask her out!" Ryan shouts

"Okay okay!" I said 

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