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Amelie POV

It was already 6:30PM in the afternoon and I had just been woken up from my nap with laughing noises from the living room. I knew it had to be Abby and Rose. They had the overall idea to go clubbing tonight and they had me insist on going. They said I needed to go out more, then to study my brains out. So I got up and began to get ready. I went to the bathroom and began to do my make up and changed into a short black lace dress. I did my hair wavy and looked at the mirror one last time.

"You look HOT!" she said looking at me smiling

"Thanks Abbs, so do you!" I said smiling at her as I put small pieces of my hair behind my ear.

"How is it going Abby? Is she awa.." Rose said as she came into the room looking at Abby before me stopping at the look of me.

"You look gorgeous Millie" She said as she came towards me for a hug.

"Thanks Rosie," I said hugging her back.

We all looked at each other and laughed with excitement.

"Are we ready?? Here we come New York!" Abby shouts as she goes out of my room followed by Rose

We stopped at a club that I found really interested in. We went in and went to the bar immediately.

"2 pina coladas and 1 blue lagoon please" I said to the bartender

He finishes and hands them over to us.

I turn around and begin to walk towards our table, not looking correctly in the right way a man suddenly bumps into me.

"Oops, I'm so sorry" he says as he holds my arm helping me gain my balance again.

I look at him and just smile.

"Hey no it's okay" I say as I go back to the table, the girls look at me from a distance smiling and hinting me to talk to the guy. I smile and make my mind up to talk to the guy.

Nick POV

This girl is beautiful. Brown highlighted wavy hair, she seemed like she wasn't like any of the girls that I've ever met since I wasn't Nicolas Alexander Cole.

"I'm Amelie" she says as she hands out her hand

"Hey I'm Nick" I say as I hold her hand and shake it smiling.

"It's nice to meet you Amelie" I say as she goes back to her table.

I wanna ask her out, but I think that is too early. I look at the guys at the table smiling and cheering me on to go for it. 

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