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Amelie POV

"I can't believe he said that"

"Are you okay Millie?"

I was standing there in front of the door which was still open, Rose came over to me and hugged me and I started crying my eyes out. This was all too much. I still have lectures and activities to get through and I'm put into this? How can my life get any better?

"Let's try to get some sleep, we still have lectures tomorrow"

The next day, I couldn't stop thinking about what Toby said to me in front of the girls. Before going to bed, I had looked at the one thing that I haven't touched since being away from Toronto and ending the relationship. The photos of Toby and I, that I haven't yet deleted since I've been so busy and never wanted to look at them. Looking through, I remembered all the crazy adventures we went through, birthdays, holidays, and the one last picture before ending everything and the whole cheating scandal. I cried myself to sleep, and I felt sick to my stomach as I was never able to forget the feelings. Lucas had always told me to leave him earlier, and I never listened, but when Lucas found out, he helped me through his connections and my hard work to get here

in New York living my student life of becoming a fashion designer.

"Hey, honey!"


I looked up and there stood Abby with her tray of food, as she sat down she looked at me worriedly

"You okay? you look pale and tired" she said as she leaned forward and placed the back of his hand onto my forehead

"You don't have a fever, did you even sleep well from last night?"

I looked at her and the sound of the cafeteria made my mind go crazy. I looked around and people were just talking to one another

"Millie?" she asks

"Huh?" I said focusing back to she

"Did you sleep well?"

"Oh, Ummm .... " I said and then shook my head 'No'

Then suddenly we hear sounds of people talking in excitement. We both look in the direction of where everyone was looking at

There he stood, Toby Smicht looking for someone. He looks around like a predator ready to jump and eat his prey. Just then his eyes diverted to me. His eyes smiled but his mouth was smirking.

He takes a seat beside Abby and looks at me. He takes my hand and kisses the back of it

"It's great to see you again, my love, Amelie," he said whilst placing my hand down and then smiling

I look at with the most disgusted look

"What are you doing here, Toby?" I asked

"Just wanted to see you, my love, I've started a course here as well at NYU," he said as he placed his hand on top of mine and then looking towards Abby who looks so confused and terrified of the thought of Nick knowing about Toby

"Toby please can you leave us alone?" Abby says

He looks at me and smiles

"Amelie, I'll see you later okay?" he says smiling and nodding his head

Just when he stood up he bumped into Nick, he looked angry

"Babe, are you okay?" Nick asks

I nod and smile at him

"Now that you're here"


I looked around looking for Amelie and Abby, they said that they were going to be here, and there he was sitting beside her smiling, I wish I could just punch the shit out of him. But I don't really want anyone to know my real identity or get known for that matter

So I started walking towards the table, wanting to know if Amelie was doing okay

"Amelie, I'll see you later okay?" he says smiling and nodding his head

I looked at him with no emotion and no atmosphere. I was mad, furious, and disgusted for what he did to her. He stands up and turns around, bumps into me, and walks off. I just left it and sat down beside Amelie.

"Babe are you okay?" I ask as I put my hand around her waist and smile

She looks at me and smiles

"Now that you're here," she says as she places her head on my shoulder

"You guys are so adorable, but please stop I'm eating," Abby says throwing a couple of fries at us  laughing on the other side of the table

We both laughed and I just cuddled up to her more.

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