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Toby POV

There was just the sound of the ticking of the clock, going, again and again, every single minute, second. Those moments were when I gave up when I was in high school, I regret it. Hurting her and leaving her alone to her own devices. I didn't support her and just thought about myself.

'Amelie May Schmit' I said to myself whilst looking at the ring. I remembered her looking at this ring when we were at the mall and looked at different pieces of jewellery for my parents and from the corner of my eye, I could see her looking at the tiffany cut diamond ring. So when she was working, I had the chance to get the ring before everything crumbled down and I slept with the girl and she left for New York.

"Fuck," I said as i wrung my hands through my hair

It wasn't easy without seeing her beside me in my bed, in my life and having her in my arms again. Coming here from Toronto, this was the only thing that I wanted to do. Get her back and make her mine. The only thing I could do to see her every day was to enrol at that University, but that dude Nick is getting in the way, I need to find out more about him.

I looked to the side of the bedside table and grabbed my phone, I dialled a number of dad's brother who does background checks in his work. I need to get rid of Nick Anderson to get her back


"Toby, How are you?"

"I'm good uncle, how are you?"

"Yeah , I'm very good pal"

"Uncle, can you do me a favour?"

"Yeah, of course, Tobs, what is it?" he asked

"Can you do a background of a person for me with the name of Nick Anderson?"

"Yes, no problem, I'll get back to you with the information"

"Please don't tell dad"

He laughed on the phone

"Of course, just for my nephew, don't worry Tobs"

"Thank you, uncle, talk to you soon!"

"Talk to you soon Pal"

I put my phone down and then looked back at the ring and then at the mirror which was placed on a dresser beside the bed.

"Who really are you Nick Anderson?"

Amelie POV

The past couple of days have been a bit eventful.

The girls and I have been especially busy preparing for our essays and assignments which are due in the next month. Nick and some of his friends invited us to a party which took a turn, Rose got really drunk and danced to her core on the dance floor, and Abby well she found someone to make out with. Nick has made my life so much better and more fun. I've never felt the amount of love from someone whenever they are with me or around the people that I love.

In the morning, my brother called me to see how I'm doing at University, I told him saying it's all been good and that I've made comfort at home here in New York. It's been very hectic for the past couple of days but, I think I'm getting there step by step. Lucas has been very supportive of my studies and my goals. As being his young sister, he's always been there for me and cheering me up whenever he can. I haven't told him about Toby yet, but I will soon.

"Millie, do you want anything to eat? I'm starving"

I look up and see Rose, and smile at her

"Yeah, can I have your amazing pancakes?" I say looking at her with what I call puppy eyes

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