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Abby POV

It was 6am and I had woken up to get ready for my morning jogging. I knew the girls wouldn't be up right now and still sleeping. I opened my door slowly and got into the corridor grabbing my coat on the chair beside the chair. I look up and see a figure sitting by the window.

"Amelie?" I asked

She turned around and looked at me. She looked different, did she not sleep at all?

"Honey, are you okay?" I asked worriedly

I walked over to her and hugged her.

"I'm okay, Yeah I'm okay" She said smiling

"You sure? Very sure?" I asked

She nodded

"Okay, get some sleep Millie, I'm gonna go for my morning run" I said as I went to the door, smiling.

"Okay, have fun Abbs" she says

I closed the door and went for my run.

After a couple 2 hours, I came home and saw Rose, I guess Amelie is now asleep.

"Amelie is sleeping still" Rose says

I looked at her and nodded as I took off my shoes and run to my room.

I hope Millie is okay

Amelie POV

I woke up and my head hurt from not sleeping too well. Sh*t! There goes the time that I wanted to get away from. I grabbed my phone front he bedside table and looked at the date

'Tuesday 6th August'


Sh*t! Why today?

I have to meet him and tell him to leave. That I don't want to see him again. I have some else in my life. I got up from my bed and went into the bathroom to take a shower. I thought about everything that has happened with me and Toby. Why does he have to come back?

I got out of the shower and looked into the mirror, I looked at the scars that were on my body from him.


"NOOOOOOOOOOO! Please don't hurt me!" I shouted

"You idiot! I told you not to come, didn't I? They don't want you here? I don't want you here!!" he shouted, hitting me.

"Please don't. NOOOOOOOOOOO!" I shouted


I opened my eyes and told myself that I was stronger than this. He can't make me fall for him anymore. He's a horrible person. Toby Smicht.

"You can do this Amelie" I said as I wiped my tears away from my eyes

I did my skin care routine and began to do my makeup. Something simple and elegant. When I finished I did my hair, drying it and then making my hair wavy. After that, I went into my wardrobe and wore a white blouse, blue mom jeans and a cream coloured blazer with my black knee high boots.

I looked into the mirror once more and smiled

"Let's do this!" I said and grabbed my bag and headed out.

I knew that Abby and Rose had a lecture, so I got out and left a tiny note for them on the fridge

'I've gone out for the day. I'll be home before 12. Love you both. Millie x'

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