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Toby POV

Ever since Amelie hasn't been texting or calling me, and not hearing my explanation about the situation when I was with that girl. I had no intentions with the girl at all. I just was so mad at her for choosing to go to New York than staying in Toronto with me and living our dream being together. Yes! I know I didn't treat her well. Yes! I know I hurt her. But I'm here now on the plane going to see her. I need to tell her the truth.

'I'm going to make things right Mills' he thought as he brought out a small red box and opened it showing a diamond ring which sparkled in the airplane light.

I looked up and began to remember her smile and the way that she tried her best to make me happy even though I'd hurt her in the past with things that I'd intentionally say

'I still love you' he thought

Amelie POV

It was 5pm in the afternoon and all I could think of was the date and being in love again, maybe. I don't know. So I started doing my makeup and my hair. I didn't know what to wear but I wore a dress that I had sat in the back of my closet. A black dress with lace detailed lining the rim of the dress. I wore heels that I borrowed from Rose and took a look at myself in the mirror. It's been a while since I got ready to go out on a date ever since things happened with Toby.

That day I thought that he would understand my decision but no he decided to sleep with someone else and betray me let alone hurt me whenever I tried my best to support him and make him happy. I needed a new beginning. And this is it...

It was 6:45pm ...

I look at my watch and see the time. I was nervous and beginning to second guess the date.

"Millie, Don't worry to much honey"

I turn around and see Rose taking off the coat as soon as she comes into the dorm, with the bag of groceries on the floor

"I'll try not to, but Ro is it okay?" I ask as I look at her

"Oh honey, you look great! "She says looking at me as she places the bag of groceries on the counter.

'Things will go well, I promise, you need this, I know you do' I thought 

My phone dinged and I looked at my phone. It was Nick. I smiled

TO: Amelie

'Hey I'm downstairs front of your dorm'

TO: Nick

'Okay :)'

"He's here" I said looking at Rose

"Okay... Well get going then Millie" She shouts with excitement

I nod smiling. I grabbed my things and looked at the mirror once more.

'Let's go!' I say to myself

I say my goodbyes and go out the door. My heart was pounding in my chest indicating that I was so nervous. I smiled when I saw him get out of the car and hand me a bouquet of flowers.

"Sunflowers" I say smiling

"You don't like them?" he asks worryingly

I look at him and smile

"I love sunflowers... I've always loved them since I was a child" I say in excitement

"I'm glad that you like them Amelie" he says opening the door for me to get into

"Thank you" I say as I get into the car and place the flowers beneath the side of my feet

He closes the door and walks to the other side of the car. Getting in and starting the car, ready to go to the restaurant.

"Italian okay for you?" He asks

I look at him and smile

"Oh .. yeah that's fine" I say then looking back to the road and the view of New York City

We arrive and begin to get out of the car 

"L'Artusi" he says

"Sounds great!" I say as I grab my purse and Nick opens my door and I get out

Nick POV

She looks so beautiful, I couldn't keep my eyes off her. Ryan was right I did the right thing

By the end of the night I couldn't see myself with someone else. I like her a lot already. When getting her to her dorm, I wanted to make sure that she was safe and texted her when she arrived inside of her room. She did!

I'm acting really weird but they do say that men can be very protective of the women that they like or love.

Amelie POV

TO: Nick

'I'm home safe, don't worry Nick :)'

TO: Amelie

'Okay. Goodnight Love'

I smiled as I tilted my head back and placed my hand with my phone to my chest.

Just then someone knocked on my door

"Come In!" I said as I was taking off my earrings and looking at the door for who the person was

"Hey" I said

"How did it go Millie?" she asks

"Yeah It went really well, he's so sweet and so generous. He even gave me sunflowers, my favourite flowers. Then he took me to a Italian Restaurant" I said sitting down on my bed and smiling a lot to Rose

"Well he sounds like a keeper Millie" She said smiling and looking at the flowers

"Yeah he does" I said getting up from the bed and going into my bathroom suite

"Oh and Millie, someone sent you something from Toronto, it's on the kitchen counter waiting for you" she says as she's standing near the door.

I peak out of the bathroom and smile to her 

"Thank you Ro, Are you going to bed now?" I ask

She nods and smiles to me

"Yeah, I'm gonna head off to sleep now, Abby's been asleep since 11 but I just wanted to make sure that you got home safely"

"Oh you're so sweet Ro. Goodnight!"

"Goodnight Honey" she says as she gets out of the room

I finish all the things that I need to do and get into the kitchen to look at the counter

A letter was placed on the counter with a box underneath. I picked up the letter and began to read it.

To Mills,

I'm here in New York, I want to see you and explain about everything. I hurt you and I didn't treat you right.

Please let me see you ... so please come to

New York Botanical Gardens

2900 Southern Blvd, The Bronx, NY 10458 On 6th August 2019 at 16:00

Where I'll be waiting for you

All my love

Toby x

I was shocked, he's here! He's here. I put down the note and opened the box.

His hoodie, that I always wore when we were together back in high school. Memories flooded back and I felt my nerves rushing up. I hated him. I still do.



"Babe! ... Please let me explain!.... It's not what you think!"

"Explain? ... Explain?..... There is nothing to explain about Toby! We're officially over!"

Flashback ends

Shit! I can't believe this. He's here! But ..... How does he know where I live?

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