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Amelie POV

"Yes Mom! I did remember... to call you when I land in New York"

I said to My mother as I took another sip out of my coffee, whilst looking out the window of the airport and hearing the background noises of people talking between the phone calls.

"I Love You Mom!.... Okay... tell dad I love him too! ... see you soon!"

I ended the call and looked over the work and papers that I needed for the University, and to begin my adventure. My phone suddenly pinged, I looked and it was a message from my brother

TO: Amelie

'Good Luck! Have a safe flight Millie, Love ya x'

I read it and smiled, as I knew that when he found out he was so proud of me, and was excited to see me going towards my future career. I quickly messaged back

TO: Lucas

'Thank You!! I'll Miss you, Love ya too x'

'Flight to New York City ... Number 204 ... Gate 16 ... Is now boarding'

I never would expect that my life is now going to New York City and making my dream of becoming a fashion designer.

I looked up and then saw people getting ready to go, so I locked my phone and grabbed my suitcase and walked to the stewardess, gave her my boarding pass and passport. After being checked in, this was it, I was ready to go.

.... 1 hour and 26 minutes later I arrived in New York City, and I was breathless with the atmosphere and the elegance of the buildings around me.

Taxi Cabs, Empire State Building, The MET etc.

Whilst being in the car, I remembered that I had to call Mom to tell her that I arrived in New York safely.

I dialed the number and waited ...

"Hey Mom!"

"Honey, How are you?" she asked as I looked around the city in the taxi

"Yes Mom, I'm doing good, I've arrived in New York and it's so beautiful"

"I'm glad my darling, You can do this! Go for your dreams!"

"Thank you Mom! I love you"

"I Love You too Honey, Goodbye" as she said goodbye I had arrived at the university dorm

"Bye Mom" I said ending the call

Arriving at the university and seeing the places that i've always wanted to go to, it's beautiful like I'm dreaming. The cab driver helped me take out my suitcase and I went to go and talk to the reception. Seeing so many people made me so happy and excited, ever since my relationship ended with Toby I lost myself and my mind. When I found out he didn't want to end the relationship and kept apologising. I couldn't deal with him cheating on me with a girl he didn't even know at a party. So I ended it, and left him, and went to fulfil my dream in New York.

"Room 514... ah here it is"

I looked at the note and looked at the number to make sure that it was correct. I took a hold of the door handle and opened the door. There stood a girl no taller than me, maybe 5ft 4, brown hair and with such a beautiful smile. 

"Hi, You must be Amelie, I'm Abby your roommate" she said as she came towards me for a hug.

Suddenly the door opened to another girl, I knew her somehow. She turns around after dragging her bags through the door, and looks at both me and Abby. Her eyes widened with one look at me. It was her, Rose, One of my childhood best friends that I haven't seen in a long time since she moved to Vancouver after her parents divorced, leaving her with her father.

"Millie!" she jumps in huge excitement

"Rose!" I shout as I deceive myself

I felt bad for Abby. She barely knew us, but she got used to it and jumped in with us to celebrate getting into NYU.

"We're finally here!!"

"This is true, We're in NEW YORK CITY!!" 

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