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Amelie POV

As soon as I got home, I started in the car and fully broke down. My ex just proposed. And every memory came back. I cried and cried. I didn't want this. I'm only 20 and he thinks proposing will make me fall again for him. 1 hour later, my body just wanted to sleep so I went slowly up the stairs to the dorm.

I opened the door and there sat Rose on the couch whilst Abby was making food from what looked like.

"I'm home!" I said as I slowly walked to my room and laid down on my bed

Rose comes in and sits on the edge of the bed

"Honey, are you okay?" she asks as she looks at me worriedly

I nod and close my eyes and place the back of my hand on my forehead sighing.

"Something is wrong, Millie, what's wrong? Talk to me honey" she said slowly rubbing my arm

"I met Toby"

"You what?" she said shockingly

"He's begged me to get back together with him..."

"Okay, you said no?"

I nodded still in the same position

"That's not the worst part... "

"What did he do?" she asked

"He proposed to me"

"WHAT!" she shouted

Abby comes through the door worriedly

"What? Am I missing anything?" she asks

"Toby proposed to Millie"

"Who's Toby?"

"He's Millie's ex boyfriend that we don't talk about" Rose said

I took off my hand and looked at both of them.

"I said No and ran out of the place. He made me so uncomfortable, I didn't like it at all... and then he ran after me. It gave me memories of the past. I need a new life from him that's why I came here to New York City" I said sniffling 

"Oh honey, I'm so sorry" Abby says as she comes over and sits beside Rose

"Wanna buy some Ice cream and watch The Kissing Booth 2? You've been going on and on about it since last week" Rose asks laughing trying to cheer me up 

I get up leaning on my arms looking at her and smiled


"Okay, Let's go!" she says as she gets up and goes into the corridor

"Let's go"

Nick POV

Days after the date, Amelie hasn't texted me back but only just to say that she got home okay. I actually sent one of my close friends to spy around her secretly, to make sure that she's okay. And I found out that her ex boyfriend used to abuse her and cheated on her. But now he wants her back. Not only that he even proposed to her. That bastard!


"Toby Smicht, that's his name?" Alex said handing me a file about him

"Ah right okay" i said looking through his file

Living a normal life was difficult but having Alex around was easy to speak to him about my situation and to get into the internet about this boy who hurt Amelie. She's the one for me.

I looked through his file and learnt a lot about him

' NAME: Toby Anthony Smicht 

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