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No One's POV 

Nick came out of the double doors wanting fresh air from the club that he was partying from, knowing that the truth is out there in front of people's eyes. He knew that he had to do the one thing which could keep her safe and away from the tabloids. Which was to end their relationship and end all ties with Amelie. He knew it was for the best.

Amelie comes out of the building chasing after Nick, confused and worried

This wasn't how he wanted to end things with her. A night full of confusion and pain. But he had to do this.

Nick stands in front of the city night view of people partying and cheering with laughter, but for him it was another story. Regret and Guilt.

"Nick? Are you okay? I've been trying to call you?" Amelie smiled trying to hide her emotions of why her boyfriend was ignoring her for the past couple of days.

Nick could feel the tears brimming from his eyes, his mind was going back and forth with the thought of losing his only chance of a new life and meeting 'the one' that everyone talks about.

Time was running fast as lighting would hit the trees. He closed his eyes and pulled himself together and sighed

"I'm sorry Millie," Nick says whilst turning around trying to show a brave and fearless face.

"What do you mean 'I'm Sorry'?" Amelie sees his face, and he was cold, his face wasn't the man she fell in love with. He wasn't Nick that she knew.

"It's over Millie. We're over" Nick says as he walks past her and leaves her there in front of the club. Alone.

Rose POV

I was sitting there watching the new series of the bachelor whilst Abby was asleep on the other side of the couch from drinking too much wine.

"Where's Millie? She should've arrived already from Work" I said looking at my phone to know the time. It was already 12:30AM

All of a sudden the door opens and I place down my phone and the glass of wine, I turn to look at the door and see Amelie, pale and crying her eyes out.

"Millie? What happened?" I said going over to Abby trying to wake her up

She gets up looks at me then to Amelie

"Millie, what happened?" she asks

Amelie couldn't stop hyperventilating and had trouble breathing.

"Abby grab a glass of water for Millie" I said going over to Amelie and comforting her, slowly helping her sit on the couch in front of the TV

Abby gives the glass of water and sits on the other side of Amelie

"What happened?" I asked rubbing Amelie's back trying to help her calm down

"He... He broke up with me..." she said crying whilst hounding onto my hands and leaning her head onto Abby's shoulder.

"Oh.. Millie" Abby says stroking Amelie's head

"I followed Nick to the club and found him there with his friends after not talking to me for the past couple of days when... he says that he's sorry and that we're over. Then he left me all alone, outside in the cold and I had to drive myself home crying my eyes out. He didn't even care, at all, he's changed" Ameile says

"Millie" I say as I hug her from the side 

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