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Amelie POV 

He stood there looking at me. Those eyes that could make me fall more and more. He took one step forward and smiled. I increased my grip on the flowers that Nick gave me.

"You look so beautiful Millie," he says, putting a piece of hair behind my ear.

I looked up at him and smiled

"Thank you" I say looking down shyly

He grabs in hand and takes me to his room.

"Take a seat Millie" he says whilst taking of his coat

I walk over to the couch and I look at the pictures of him and I smiling on his coffee table, as I place down the flowers onto the table, then picking up the frame from the side table near the couch.

"You kept these?" I said whilst looking at the photo, sadly smiling. Inside I cried and cried through the pain of knowing the truth behind Nick's lie. I've known for not long now but I wanted to make sure. Is he really from the Billionaire's business? Is his name really Nick Anderson?

"Yes, of course Millie, You're the one that's keeping me going? And I love the way that you make me smile" He says as he sits beside me, holding onto both my hands and softly rubbing his thumb over the top of my hand.

I didn't believe what Abby said when she'd found out from the TV in the bar whilst she was on a date near the outskirts of Manhattan. She looked at the photos and it looked exactly like him.

Abby had spoken with Rose until I came home. They were so shocked.


"Millie, I'm so sorry. But Nick isn't who he says he is" Abby says trying not to intently hurt me

"What do you mean?" I ask

"Nick isn't his real name... it's Nicolas Alexander Cole, the Son of Drake and Dianna Cole, the Billionaires Business of Cole Enterprises. He was the new heir of the business when ...."

"When what?"

"They say that he got into a car crash and died"

"This isn't true.. It can't be" I said as I felt my eyes brimming with tears.

"Millie... his actual name is Nicolas Alexander Cole.... Not Nick Anderson" Rose says as she turns the laptop screen around showing a photograph of Nicolas ... Nick I mean.

"He's been lying to you for this long now... and it's horrific" Abby says as she takes a sip out of the glass of wine from the coffee table in front of her

"What are you going to do Mills?" Rose asks

"I don't know, He's been lying to me ever since we met then?" I asked, I looked up and my tears began to run down my face.

They both look up at me and nod 'yes'. I look up at them and cry


"Millie?" Nick says as he puts his hand onto my face. I look up at him and look into his eyes trying to make sense of if it's true or not.

I hold his hand and take it off my face and look at his hands. He looks at me with worry.

"Is everything okay?"

I look up with shock and shake my head 'No' and look down. He looks at me and then begins to stroke my hair trying to make sense of what's happening. I look at him and I feel my tears falling down betraying me. I think to myself

'Please tell me this isn't true.... Please tell me that your really the man I fell in love with'

I need to tell him. I need to ask him? Is he really Nicolas Alexander Cole?

"I need to ask you something?" I say looking at him with tears brimming my eyes

He looks at me with worry and holds my hands, I pull them away leaving with questions in his head. He looks at my hands and then at my eyes.

"Your Nicolas Alexander Cole, aren't you?" I say

He looks at me in shock and then looks down to the floor.

"Tell me" I say trying not to get annoyed or frustrated

He looks up at me, and I can see his eyes forming tears, he moves closer trying to touch me, I move back and not let him touch me

"Amelie" he says with guilt in his voice

I look at him with disgust and despair

"So it's true?" I say looking at him

His tears begin falling down and his face turns a tiny shade of red, and then he does the one thing that confirms everything.

"Yes, I am Nicolas Alexander Cole, I am the heir that died in a alleged car crash" he says looking at me

I sit there in shock, I want to scream but my body doesn't move, doesn't calculate anything for me to do.

"Amelie.... Baby?" he says and he comes closer once again. My body moves and I look at him, moving away from him

"No... stay away from me... don't touch me"

"Baby .. please"

"Don't call me baby.... Don't call my name.... You don't deserve to call me those names anymore" I say standing up trying to grab all my belongings quickly as I could

Nick stands up too, moving to where I go

"Don't go, Please!.... "

I look at him in pain and he looks at me with guilt

"I'm going home..... Don't ever call me... speak to me... or even ... I don't ever want to see you.... we are over ...." I say as I walk past him and walk towards the door

Suddenly he runs over to me and hugs me tightly

"I'm sorry, please don't go, I'm sorry for not telling you sooner"

His touch doesn't feel like it was before, I felt disgusted with every touch he makes, I gain all my courage and bring my hands to his arms and pull them off.

"Get off of me, I don't even know you anymore"

I begin walking to the door and open it getting out of his apartment and slamming it on the way out

Nick POV

There she goes, the one person that I love has left me. She knows the truth

I push off anything that I see in my view from the table and grab the lamp and throw it onto the wall watching it shatter into million pieces. I grab the photo of me and Amelie fall onto my knees and cry

"I'm sorry" I say as I clenching onto the photo frame 

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