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Nick POV

3 days .... 3 days I've been so excited to finally see her. But today I will.

I opened to the door of people talking, about the collaboration

I walk in and smile at the people around me.

"Hi, I'm Nikolas Alexander Cole... I'll be working with you on the collaboration," I said staring at her figure

She turned around and smiled. She looked so different, she dyed her hair. Balayage? And grew her hair out. She wore clothes that defined her body which I admired her for. Her brown eyes glistened in the light

"Hi, I'm Amelie May... Nice to meet you, Nicolas... It's a pleasure working with you" she said holding out her hand

I looked down and then placed my hands in hers for a handshake

"Please take a seat" I said pointing out to the chairs

"Oh thank you" she said walking to a seat in her heels.

"So ... with this collaboration, my father wanted for you to design the new annual collections within the business."

"I have designed mostly some of my ideas within the words from Mr Cole. He has expressed how he wants the designs performed and shown on the overall outcome of the clothing .... Here are some of the ideas based on the words and ideas." she said as she handed me a folder of design work. It looked so good.

2 hours later we had talked about all the collaborations with their company and I had called the meeting to an end

"Amelie please can I take you to dinner?" I asked

She looked at me, but then looked away hesitating at the question

I came closer and looked at her

"Please... give me this chance ... please give me the chance to explain... Please let me take you to dinner"

She looked at me with her eyes that used to sparkle in the light whenever she would see me, but I didn't know, she looked at me blankly.

"Nick... Please... I am only here to see your brand and partnership... I've left everything about us in the past" she says as she turns around and begins to pack up the rest of her things.

I go towards her, blocking her from the exit, I was desperate for her, her touch, her lips, and her smile

"Nicolas... please"

I look at her in shock, I wouldn't think of her to say my real name


"Nicolas, please can you move from the door"

"No... Please give me another chance"

She shook her head 'no'

"I'm sorry" she said as she pulled my arm down, opened the door, and left

I scoffed and turn around looking at her silhouette fading away

"I will get you back Millie, I am so in love with you" I say

Amelie POV

It's now 2 AM in the morning, and I am still working on the new designs that they wanted me to add and to improve. I have another meeting with the head director before going to Cole Enterprises.

"Hello, earth to Millie" he said waving his hand in front of my face

I jolted and laughed

"Oh my god! Lucas, I'm sorry"

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