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Toby POV

The day that she left me in the building, I hated myself for hurting her and making her hate me. I want to start over again, I still am in love with her. When seeing her again, she grew out her hair and dyed it, her eyes still shone from the reflection of the lights. Her scent catched me every time, with hints of floral going into my nose. I was such an asshole to her, I treated her like an object and told her to do things and there she was trying to earn all the money she needed for University, I on the other hand fucked a girl I didn't even know. I lost all my respect for myself when she left me. I even asked her brother where she went but he told me that if I ever went near her, he'd kill me. But I changed myself for her, to get her back. "I will not give up for you "Amelie I said as I was looking through old photos of us both.

I chucked the phone to the bed and then stood up from the chair that was in my hotel room that was facing the balcony, and went to the balcony to get fresh air, looking at the city of Manhattan. The sound of the cars, people talking and the faint sound of music coming from the restaurants. I could just imagine me and Amelie taking a romantic dinner, but that will never happen because she still hates me. Coming here to Manhattan I chose to let go of the bad past and make things better for me and for the one that I love dearly. I know that this will be hard but I want her back, I want her to marry me. I need to find out if she has anyone else and tell them to stay away from her. It's the only way for me to get her back and into my arms. We were meant to be ....

Amelie POV

Days after talking to Nick about my past I've felt a lot more comfortable with his presence in the room and we even went to a cabin in the woods. It was so nice and warm to be together and just to relax from any stress. Nick and I have become a lot more closer, and we even expressed our emotions together in the living room of the cabin, snuggled up in a blanket drinking hot coco.

"Be mine Millie?" he asked as I was led down on top of his chest

I looked up at him and smiled

"What do you mean Nick?"

He pushes my to sit up from my position and looked at me, he held my hand and smiled from ear to ear

"Let's make this official Millie, I mean everyone already has their suspicions... Be mine, Be my girlfriend?" he said with a smile on his face

I looked at him and nodded my head with a smile on my face

"Okay, let's make this official, I'll be your girlfriend" I said as I came closer and kissed him passionately

For the past couple 2 days we went on hikes taking photographs together seeing the sceneries, and made a fort out of blankets and fairy lights, it was so beautiful. At one point we had a small argument whether New York Nicks or Toronto Raptors were the best at basketball, we kept arguing as we were in the bedroom, then in the kitchen but then Nick grabbed me in the living room pushing me onto the couch and made love to me saying that he's sorry.

The next day, I woke up in a warm bed with Nick beside me hugging me. I looked up at him and smiled. I began stroking his hair and then slowly traced down my fingers on his face, then onto his mouth. It felt right, being with him, he makes me happy.

Suddenly I felt him move and his facial expression changed, I knew he was waking up. So i quickly pretended to still be asleep

He held me tighter and snuggled into my neck

"I'll miss the peacefulness here, then going back to lectures" he said

"Yeah, it's so nice being here with you" I said as I snuggled more into Nick's chest

2 hours later ....

We were sitting on the couch with all of our bags near the door, we wanted just a couple more minutes to have more time for ourselves more.

Nick's phone started ringing and answered the call, giving me the look of 'sorry'

"Hi Alex, is everything alright man?" he asks as I took his hand in mine and played with it as I was looking through my phone

"Oh okay, Did you get the work done for the assignment? I can send you mine for support"

The call didn't last long and he just put his phone back to his pocket and started cuddling me

"My love, we should go now, we have lectures tomorrow and I have assignments to do tonight" he said as he started stroking my face

I looked at him and smiled

We stood up and both grabbed out bags and took them to the car. It took about 4 hours to get back to the dorm. We stopped by a gas station and I recognised someone familiar, it freaked me out but I still carried on with what I was doing with Nick. I grabbed the bag of snacks and started heading for the car. Nick came out of the store and got into the car.

"You alright honey?" he asked

"Yeah, I'm good, let's go?" I said looking at him whilst my nerves started to disappear

Nick POV

Whilst I was at the counter, Amelie was looking at the scenery with her small hands holding the bag of snacks for the road. Then she looked scared, did she see someone? And who is it?

I looked at the clerk and paid for the gasoline.

"Thanks man" I said

"Your welcome, have a safe journey" he said with a smile

I got out and started heading for the car, I looked around and there was no one. I wanted to make sure that the person who scared Amelie, would know that she's not alone.

I got into the car and started the car

You alright honey?" I asked

"Yeah, I'm good, let's go?"she said looking at me, i could see that the person had scared her but I carried on and began driving home

After the 4 hours of singing to old songs and talking about life, we had arrived in front of the dorm building. I didn't know if Abby or Rose were asleep or awake. I wanted to make sure I wasn't disturbing them.

I took off my seatbelt and looked over at Nick, he smiled and came over to put a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"You okay?" he asks

I nodded and suddenly I yawned but then started laughing

"Someone is very tired I see" He says as he held my hand and kissed the back of it

"You know spending the past couple days with you has made me change the way that I feel about being here in Manhattan, You make me so comfortable with the world Nick" I say as I look at him and held his hand on top

"You make me feel the same way Millie" he said

I look at him and then he goes to open his door to open my door and I get out, he pushes me gently onto the side of the car and slowly comes closer to kiss me. I felt happy and excited with emotions about Nick. I know it's too early but .... I think I love him.

We both pull away and look at each other

"I should get going inside" I said smiling at him

"Yeah of course... It's cold outside and we still have some assignments due tomorrow" he said as he stepped aside and then went to the boot of the car, and grabbing my suitcase

"Here you go"

"Thank you, and Thank you for bringing me to the cabin, it was so nice..."

"Your welcome Millie" he says as he kisses me on the cheek and then I go towards the door

"I'll see you tomorrow babe" he says

I turn around and smile looking at him, the word 'babe'... I loved it!

"See you tomorrow, My love" I wave and then turn around to open the door and went inside 

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