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Nick POV

I stood there whilst watching Oscar talking to Dad about the company. I really never knew the real truth of his ideas. All i know is that since he is the older sibling between the both of us he'll be the new heir of the business. Mom came over to me and looked in the same direction.

"Are you okay honey?" she said whilst placing her hand on my arm, smiling

I looked at her and smiled back

"Yeah Mom, Everything is fine"

All I knew in myself that tonight would be the night that Oscar can finally be known as the new heir to the business, and I could hopefully have the normal life that I could get.

"Well honey, tonight is gonna have so many surprises" she says looking at me

"Yeah i know, but Mom..."

"Yes honey?"

" there any chance that you'll look into the University of Law for me?"

"Well of course honey, but not just right now, I've got to talk to your Dad about something important"

I looked at her, and just tried to just smile

"Oh.. okay Mom.. thank you" I said as she walked of to get Dad

Some days I really wish that I could have a normal life like most people in this world and to show my full perspective into what I do and to show that I'm not just the son of the richest man in the world, who could get anything he wanted by the command.

Mom and Dad have alway been there for me and Oscar but they have a softer spot for me, but as for Oscar they have the occasional wordings for him, showing him that he needs to pursue more like me for the future.

I looked at them talking and they just look so happy, being together for 15 years has been inspirational. A love like that is so beautiful. Yes you may think that I have a love for football or cricket but I'm actually the opposite, I love Law and Romance but.... One day ... to find 'the one'

It isn't all just the business but just trying to live in the world of money and wealth is the worst.

Dad looks at me and waves, and I wave back. He's so inspired in the work that I do for the business that at the age of 18, he gave me a job in the business which could help with working in the Law industry. But I've always wanted to live a normal life, that was one thing at the age of 16.

"Let's go and get ready Buddy"

Oscar comes to me with his arms wide open, smiling.

I turn to look at him and laugh

"Yeah, Let's go"

Me and Oscar have always had a love and hate relationship since birth, and I don't know what will happen after tonight, when he gets to be heir.

2 Hours Later ....

"So after much appreciation of the Cole family and the business, my wife and I have decided the rightful heir to the business, we took no longer than a minute to think about whether if it was the right choice but, our love and compassion to the business, it powerful and we have so much dedication to the staff and the clients that we have"

Dad looks around in the hall looking at everyone whilst having his left hand on Mom's waist and a glass of red wine in his right hand. I look over at Oscar and he looks so excited and filled with joy to be the heir to the company. I was excited for him to be honest. He deserved it, he changed for Mom and Dad for him to be fully accepted.

"So.. Dianna and I would like to say publicly that the new heir of the business is... Nicolas"

Everyone cheered and clapped with the mind blowing news. Oscar looks at me defeated and saddened by the news from his father.

"Congratulations Son, You deserve it!" raising his glass and then taking a sip of his red wine.

I was full of shock. I didn't want to be the new heir of the business, but wanted a normal life.

This is an unexpected turn of events.

Oscar comes over to me, cold and emotionless.

"That was meant to be for me!, but congrats brother, welcome to the world of business"

He said as he walked off grabbing a glass of wine before going outside. 

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