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Nick POV

Couple days went by and I haven't heard from Amelie, I've left calls and messages, nothing. I don't blame her, but I want to explain, tell her how much I love her and how she's changed my life. University hasn't been the same ever since that day, Rose and Abby don't even talk to me or even look at me, just walk past me and then talk to one another.

"I love her dude, Amelie changed me" I said to Alex

"Give her the time that she needs Nick, she needs to calm down her emotions and think about things" he says as he pats my shoulder and leaves the room.

I look at the time and stand up to go to my other lecture, and there stands an angel in my eyes after not being able to see her or hear her voice, 6 days without her is killing me. Amelie at her locker with her books in one hand and her bag on her shoulder. I want to walk over but then I see Toby go over to her, smiling.

"Hey Mills" he says

She turns around and smiles

What! She's okay with him now? What the hell has happened?

"Do you want to go to lunch together, at that cafe that you liked?" He asked

"Yeah sure, meet at 12?"

He nods and smiles

"I'll see you later Toby" she says, closing her locker and walks off

I look at Toby with anger in my eyes, he comes over to me and leans into my ear

"Look what can happen in a couple days, stay away from her Nicolas" he says as he walks of bumping my shoulder

Amelie POV

There I was in the house playing music on full blast not thinking about anything especially Nick

I just didn't want to think about anything.

Everything didn't make sense anymore, so I just sat there blasting the music and drank my red wine in my hand. What a great day I thought...

5 hours later in the apartment ...

Rose POV

"Amelie?" I said as I got into the dorm, the music... it was so loud... And it was so dark in here...

I walk over to the speaker to turn it off and then to the couch and look at Amelie, she's passed out from all the drinks that she's had

"What the f**k Millie, 3 bottles of red wine?" I said as I picked up the bottles and things around her, I noticed that her face was filled with dried mascara lines from her tears. I bent down and moved a piece of her hair looking at the lines and felt a huge immense anger for Nick for doing this to her. How could he do this?

Suddenly the door opens to Abby coming home from a lunch date with her friends, I look at her and put my finger to my mouth to tell her not to be loud. I grab a blanket and place it over her and walk away to leave her and sleep.

"I'm gonna kill Nick" I said looking at Abby

"You and me both, she doesn't deserve this" Abby says as she places down a bag full of Amelie's things on the kitchen counter.

"We need to get her out of this place for a while, so .... I took the liberty to book her a plane ticket to Toronto and be with her family" I said as I wanted to protect her from him again... she needed to heal

We heard things move in the living room and turned our heads to see that Amelie woke up from her slumber and walked towards us not after stumbling into a door and nearly falling over from her hangover

"Shit!" she says laughing weirdly and she patts the door lightly

Abby and I quickly run over and hold her

"Amelie, go and take a shower, we have something for you after" I said holding onto her arm steadying her balance

She slowly pulls away and begin walking towards the bathroom

After a couple minutes she's finished and changed into something comfortable, and sits down on the kitchen stool, we look at her and she's so pale.

"Millie, Rose has a gift for you that you might like" Abby says

I walk over to the kitchen isle and placed down the plane tickets

"I have got you place tickets to go to Toronto to be with your family, to get away from here for a while, because ... we think you'd need it and forget about him" I said was I Looked at her with tears brimming my eyes, I couldn't see my best friend like this anymore

She looked up at us and smiled with her tears falling onto the counter, we all smiled and scoffed with sad laughter, Abby and I walked around the counter and hugged her.

"You didn't have to do this, but thank you... really" she said as she looked to both of us

"Really ... thank you... Abby... Rosie... I want to thank you for everything that you've done for me" Millie said as she hugged us again

We all pulled back from the hug and smiled, I wiped her tear away and smiled holding her hand

"Your flight is tonight at 21:00" I said nodding my head, and Abby goes to find something

She comes back with a black box with a small ribbon placed onto the top neatly

"Here" she said as she placed it onto Amelie's lap

Amelie looked at her and said "Thank you"

She opened it and there inside were photos of us laughing and smiling at each other and photos of us in lectures making fun of each other. The one object that got to us all was when Amelie held up a snow globe of New York land markings, we traveled around New York when we first arrived and that was when the 3 of us became very very close.

"Aww... Abby, that's so sweet" I said crying looking at her

Abby looks at me as well with tears in her eyes and smiles

"Us three will never leave each other unsupported or upset, we will always be there for one another no matter what" She says and then hugs us both

2 Hours later and it was 5PM in the afternoon... Amelie had to leave soon to make sure to get to the airport in time... Abby and Amelie were sitting down talking to each other whilst I heard the doorbell ringing, I walked to the door and looked through the peephole... It was Toby ... I opened and looked at him with red roses in his hands

"Is Amelie in?" he says smiling

I look at him and knew something wasn't right with him, he was smiling so much and his atmosphere had changed

"Well, Amelie is in the living room with Abby, but I can give that to her" I said pointing to the flowers

"Oh okay, I guess she's busy, but thank you for giving it to her" he said as he placed them onto my hands

He bid farewell and I closed the door, I walked up to Amelie and gave her the flowers

"Oh thank you, who are they from?" she asked

I looked at her and said "Toby"

Amelie POV

I stood up to go to the counter to put them into a vase and then looked in the middle of the flowers and found a note I read the note that Toby gave me, and it sent me shivers down my spine

"Hi Love,

I'll meet you soon in Toronto where it all started, I want to make it up to you.

I love you Amelie

All my love

T x"

I couldn't tell the girls this it would kill them, they wouldn't let me go

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